Popular | JustRunLah! - Part 6


7 “Laws” for Newbie Runners to Follow

Running is one of the simplest and most rewarding physical activities. According to the report, almost 60 million people participate in jogging and trail running in the United States alone, but what is it that makes this type of exercise so popular? First of all, you can do it almost...

5 Reasons Why Fitness Tours are Starting to Gain Popularity

Both professional and recreational sports activities are good for human physical health, mental state, and beauty. However, modern lifestyle often leaves insufficient time that we can dedicate to regular training. It’s a real shame that such a beneficial aspect of life is so low on most people’s scale of...

5 Tips to Smash your P.B in 2019

JustRunLah! is excited to introduce our newest accredited author, Run2PB Online Coaching, founded by 4 elite athletes based in Australia, they are helping people all over the world achieve P.Bs at a variety of events from 5k Parkruns to Marathons. Their combined experience provides valuable insight into how to...

How to Stay Motivated for Your Workout Routine

Everybody, no matter how passionate they may be about what they’re doing, needs a motivation boost from time to time. The truth is that motivation can be really difficult to find. Yes, once you’re at the gym, ready for your workout, things come naturally. However, getting the motivation to...

4 Most Common Mistakes On Morning Running

“Mens sana in corpore sano” is a phrase that is widely used in sports context as it means “a healthy mind in a healthy body”. If you knew this, it means that you already know the importance of exercise in your life. Regular exercise is essential for your mental...

8 Necessities for Trail Runners

When it’s time to hit the trails, being prepared with the proper gear (and nourishment) is crucial to make the most of your experience and maximize performance. Whether you’re a trail-running enthusiast or new to working out, we’ve got you covered with this extensive list of trail-running must-haves. 1. Reflective...

10 Incredibly Interesting Podcasts You Should Listen To While Running

Even die-hard runners have days when they just don’t want to run. For example, it’s a rainy day, or the night was crazy, or you have too much work, or there’s a new TV-show on Netflix… Perhaps, the real problem is that you’ve just got bored of your everyday...

5 Important Tips for Triathlon Beginners

A triathlon is probably one of the most difficult sporting events known to man. A triathlon event includes running/sprinting, biking and swimming. It’s a test of physical and mental endurance, where a triathlete goes head to head with a lot of adversaries like Mother Nature. Your body needs to...