Europe | JustRunLah! - Part 2


Race Review: Athens Marathon “The Authentic” 2017 (by Doctor Will)

As I started preparing for my first marathon back in 2008, if you had told me I would run a second one, I would have said you were crazy. If you had told me I’d be running my 25th marathon on the route of the original marathon, I would...

Race Review: runDisney 2016 Inaugural Disneyland® Paris Half Marathon Weekend – New! Castle...

Hello JustRunLah Readers, I am back with my second episode and final lap of my runDisney journey in 2016. As I have mentioned in my TinkerBell post on my personal blog, I will be doing a Half Marathon in Paris in order to get the Castle to Chateau Medal. So this is...

World Marathon Majors: Where, When, Why

The Abbott World Marathon Majors is a series consisting of six of the largest and most renowned marathons in the world. The races take place in Tokyo, Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago and New York City. Unless you are an elite or semi-elite that have hit the qualifying timings, your fate is...

The Toughest 400m Race

Running 400 meters is no kick to most people. Well, it's just one lap around the track, right? The Red Bull 400 comes with a twist: It is a 400 meters run, but you will be running uphill at an altitude close to 200m at over 30 degrees of incline....

5 Sold Out Triathlons In The World

1. IRONMAN Western Australia Busselton, Western Australia Next race: 4th December 2016 Incorporating the iconic Busselton Jetty, IRONMAN Western Australia is renowned worldwide for being the place to go for a personal best, with the bike and run courses amongst the flattest on the global IRONMAN circuit. The course comprises of a 3.8...

5 Sold Out Marathons In The World

These are the marathons that every runner wishes to compete in at least once in their life. They are also the most popular marathons in the world, and often sold out to its participants. Some of them require balloting, while some require certain qualifying times for runners to register...

5 Beautiful Trail Marathons Worth Travelling For

Trail races are a great way for runners to explore a new place and get close with nature. The beautiful sceneries and the fresh air are just some of the reasons why more people are signing up for trail races every year. There are plenty of trail races with...

Altitude Paris Tour: Travel and Train With Singapore’s #1 Marathoner

We have heard of elite runners and their altitude training. In fact, altitude training is a component of virtually all elite running programs. But what about enthusiast runners like us? Fret not, anyone can try altitude training and running at high elevation will definitely give you that performance boost before...