Featured Articles | JustRunLah! - Part 20

Featured Articles

Inaugural Pacer Assessment Trials Raises The Bar For KLSCM 2020 Pacer Team

Have you ever used the services of a Pacer in a distance running event? Was it because you wanted to finish at a certain time or because you needed the encouragement, motivation and advice that an experienced Pacer could provide? Those are usually the main reasons why runners decide...

A Weekend of Adrenalin and Fun at the SunSmart Busselton Festival of Triathlon...

The Western Australia ("WA") State Long Course Championship was originally held in Collie, before moving to Rottnest Island. However, it wasn’t long before the event outgrew Rotto and in 2002 found a new home in Busselton where it has been held since, with the support of IRONMAN. The ‘Busso...

Running Events Update (Due to COVID-19) – Singapore

Check back to this page regularly for the latest updates. For submission of news and information, please kindly write to [email protected]. Thank you. 29 Aug 2020: Event originally scheduled - Earth Day Run 2020 Event is cancelled.A full refund will be arranged for registered participants.No further action is required. 28 Jun 2020:...

Nike continues to expand the record-breaking NEXT% platform

Nike Air Zoom Alphafly NEXT%Nike Air Zoom Tempo NEXT% SINGAPORE – 6 February 2020 – Following its success in distance running, Nike will continue to expand the record-breaking NEXT% platform with new footwear designed to provide runners with a measurable performance benefit for a new era of competition. Nike Air Zoom...

2019 End-of-Year Survey Results: The State of Running in APAC

Throughout December, we invited all of you to take part in our annual survey. The questions covered motives of event participation, virtual running, travelling, exercising and training for races. We are pleased to see 3,994 unique respondents from 17 countries in Asia – Pacific taking our survey, and we...

All Runners Should Incorporate CrossFit Into Their Training – Here’s Why

The number of people running has declined over the last few years around the world, but Asia is one of the few places where the number of participants is going up. Running is great for all-round fitness, but runners can up their game to stay ahead of the pack by incorporating...

How To Take Running From a Hobby to a Career by Becoming a...

Running, and in particular, themed running events, continues to gain popularity in Singapore. As the country commits to getting more fit and more people to adopt exercise as a part of their daily routine, one of the most popular sports of choice has been running. In addition to the mental...

Roger Federer Joins Swiss Running Brand ‘On’ As An Entrepreneur.

Based in Zurich, nine-year-old On has taken the athletic footwear market by storm. Elite athletes are winning Olympic and World Championship medals in the innovation from Switzerland. Driven by peer-recommendation, runners are discovering the superior performance and feel of On running shoes and its unique patented “Cloud” technology. As...