Featured Articles | JustRunLah! - Part 36

Featured Articles

Income Eco Run 2018 RECP Farmers’ Market

Your preparations for the Income Eco Run would not be complete without the Income Eco Run Farmers’ Market and Race Entry Pack Collection (REPC) on 14-15 April 2018! Taking place at the F1 Pit Building, collect your Income Eco Run race entry gear and treat yourself to wholesome bites and...

First Ever Geo-based Virtual Challenges is Here in Singapore: JustMove Asia!

Always wanted to go for a run but you're unsure where to do so? Or have you run out of route ideas? Fret not, join us in our inaugural Geo-based virtual running event series in Singapore! So, What do you have to do? 1. RUN – Any day. Any time. 10 different...

Singapore Running Series 2018: 5 Things That Runners Should Note

The Performance Series (TPS) is coming back this year in its 3rd edition and it will bring runners to FOUR different locations: 22 April - Punggol Waterway 24 June - Pasir Ris 5 August - Bedok Reservoir 14 October - East Coast Before we go into any further, there's a VERY...

STAR WARS™ RUN Singapore 2018 – Early Bird Registration Officially Open

Prepare yourself for an exciting galactic adventure when STAR WARS™ RUN returns this May. As part of the ‘May the 4th’ celebrations, The Walt Disney Company Southeast Asia and local organizer Esprimo once again brings us the STAR WARS RUN Singapore on the 5th May 2018. STAR WARS fans can look forward...

Running Events with odd distances RUNNERS love in Singapore & Malaysia

The standard distances such as the marathon distance, half marathon distance, and 10 km are popular. You would always have a benchmark as to your time to beat for a half marathon or a marathon. But do you know your personal best for an odd distance, for instance, a...

#RUNHOMESG with Income Eco Run 2018

Some 100 runners gathered at One Marina Boulevard on the 16th January 2018 morning for the launch of #RUNHOMESG, an initiative launched by Income Eco Run to encourage everyone to pick up running as an alternative mode of transport. Flagging off at 7:20 pm, runners headed off in four different...

Jaybird Finds Out Why You Run

Jaybird wraps up the year with great efforts at the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon RECP and race day- giving everyone a great time with fun and interesting activities down at the Jaybird booth. Here are the highlights of what went down! #1 Why I Run Wall - Jaybird's new marketing strategy:...

Income Eco Run 2018: Championing Environmental Conservation, Running Towards Zero Waste

Income Eco Run 2018 is calling for all runners to play their part towards a sustainable environment and run towards Zero Waste! Taking place on 29th April 2018 at the F1 Pit Building, Income Eco Run seeks to encourage participants to be more environmentally friendly with the introduction of...