5 Reasons why you should visit Penang, The Pearl of the Orient
The Penang island has been the heart of the trading relations between Europe/Middle East and Southeast/East Asia for hundreds of years, where historical remains of the East-West relations and the colonial heritage still seen around the fusion of architecture, culture, food and people in Penang.
One of Malaysia's most diverse, cosmopolitan and exciting cities with...
Reality Check: Progress of your 2015 running resolutions.
At the start of 2015, we have asked you to set running goals and resolutions for yourself and 8 months have passed in the blink of an eye. With only 4 more months till the end of the year, it is now the time where we check and reflect...
Runners in the 21st century – What a feast!

Gone were the days where runners rely solely on water, isotonic drinks and whole foods to power their runs before, during and after a race. With extensive research and innovation in sports nutrition over the years, modern runners of the current era often themselves spoilt for choices of sports supplements which...
Civil Service Club Singapore Duathlon: Calves vs Thighs
Running and cycling are the two most popular aerobic sports in Singapore which trains your stamina, strength and boost cardiovascular health. Runners usually have strong calves while cyclists have powerful thighs, specifically the 3 main groups of the quadriceps, the hamstrings and the adductors. Do you know which other type of athlete embody all...
For Honour and Glory: 5 reasons to participate in Commando Challenge 2015
Make way for the the ultimate obstacle race in Singapore, the Commando Challenge 2015, which will be held on 17 October 2015 at Sentosa Island! Expect a 6km run along beaches and jungles of Sentosa, overcoming 14 military style obstacles such as fire, ice, electricity, crawls and climbs!
A fitness event to test your determination,...
Life as a Non-Runner
All of us were born to run, but not all pick up this sport at an early age or even had the intention to do so before. Running has been a life-changing sport for many, with improved lifestyle habits, better weight management, improved cardiovascular health and more! Do you still...
Run, Watch, Eat and Play this Jubilee Weekend!
This year, Singapore celebrates its 5oth year of independence and the series of celebration and festive events that took place over the past few months and in the upcoming jubilee weekend have been the largest-scale ever! With an extended public holiday and festive weekend ahead, there are many activities...
Do you know what’s your pronation type?
Pronation is the inward roll of the foot while walking or running. It is part of the natural movement that helps the lower leg to deal with shock. An ideal foot-strike is the neutral pronation, which is a slight inward movement of the ankle-bone during stance (when the foot is in contact with...