One of our greatest enemies, the Side Stitch

During the midst of your run, you increasingly feel a stingy pain on the side of the lower edge of your ribcage and wonder what exactly is this piercing sensation that is preventing you from pushing on? In most cases, that stabbing, annoying pain is known as a “Side Stitch”.
Why You Should Travel for a Race in 2015
It's the time of the year again where you start making plans for the year-end vacation by reviewing your bucket-list items and travel packages. Instead of being a typical tourist doing sightseeing, food-tasting and other touristy activities, why not assume a new and different role this year as a...
Orange, Yellow and Pink Ribbons: Do you know their significance?
Have you ever wondered what do the different colored ribbons stand for in the race event logos of ribbon races? In Singapore, there are 3 major ribbon sports events organised annually by various communities where race participants gather to run for their respective causes and movements. Let us find out what...
What Inspires You To Run?
Singapore has a growing total population of 5.47 million and out of these millions, runners form a huge portion where we run for leisure, health and even competitions. Many have made life-changing decisions by taking their first step into competing for races, joining a local running community and finding themselves...
Revolutionise Your Run with Sony’s Smart B-Trainer™
For many years, sports technology has evolved tremendously to cater to different specific needs of sportsmen in enhancing their performance. Every device usually has a limited number of functions, which results in athletes having multiple, different gadgets strapped on them while they train. It is therefore every runner’s dream to own...
Celebration of unity in diversity in Orange!
As Singapore celebrates its 50th year of independence this year, it is important that we take a step back and realize how far our nation has come in achieving racial and religious harmony since the tumultuous times of the 1964 racial riots.
Orange Ribbon Run - Singapore’s Only Run Against...
Do you Swim? Do you Run? Singapore Aquathlon 2015 is here for you!
Calling all aspiring or experienced swimming runners and running swimmers, the perfect race event is here for you to enjoy the best of the both worlds on 5th September 2015 at Angsana Green, East Coast Park. The Singapore Aquathlon 2015 is back with 6 exciting race categories and 2 race formats catered to different...
Commando Challenge 2015: Beach, Jungle, Track, Fire, Ice, Electricity!
At A Glance
Singapore's Ultimate Obstacle Event, The Commando Challenge is back on 17 October 2015. Held on Sentosa Island, the 2015 edition has more obstacles than last year with 14 challenges for commandos to get over, under and around. With new and old elements including the beach run, track...