Featured Articles | JustRunLah! - Part 64

Featured Articles

8 Reasons Why You Should Try A Triathlon

As a runner, you only have to take two small steps to cross into triathlon territory. Triathlons are growing in popularity, and with events offering varying distances, the sport is accessible to all. Not convinced? Here are some reasons to try a triathlon. #1: Increase your overall fitness When you sign...

ASICS City Relay: Singapore’s First Night Relay Marathon

Something new in Singapore's racing scene! At some point in each runner’s life, it is a dream to run in a marathon; yet not everyone is capable of tackling the gruelling 42.195km distance. With the launch of the inaugural ASICS City Relay this year however, you can share the fun...

JustRunLah! joins OSIM Sundown Marathon Tribe

Asia's largest night marathon is back! The OSIM Sundown Marathon is expecting registration numbers to reach 30,000 for the third straight year in 2015, making it Asia’s largest night marathon once again. The Sundown Marathon returns this year on 4 July 2015 at the F1 Pit Building. With the four running...

WOW Run 2015

It all started with the simple desire to encourage Muslim women to lead an active and healthy lifestyle… In a day and age where global race brands, with hefty funding support, often start in the States before making their way over to Singapore, one little race is bucking the trend...

HomeTeamNS REAL Run Through the Years: A Brief History of the Race

The HomeTeamNS REAL (Regular Exercise, Active Lifestyle) Run has gained exponential popularity over the past two decades and established itself as the multi-terrain run of choice for Home Team NSmen and the public. The combination of Road, Trail and Sand will excite running enthusiasts who are looking for an extra...

Runners, Show Your Love to Project Love Sneaker V

Donate your shoes to Project Love Sneaker V It’s mid-April, and we’re halfway into Project Love Sneakers V. Project Love Sneaker takes the old pairs of running shoes that are languishing in the corner of your shoerack, and gives them a second life by giving them to the needy. The...

ISCA Run 2015 – Gather, Bond, Run!

Back for its second year, the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants is organising the ISCA Run on Saturday, 30 May 2015 from 6.30am to 10.30am at the Playground at Big Splash, East Coast Park. With a line-up of activities for a fun-filled morning, the event aims to promote healthy...

The Medal Collector

Admit it, sometimes we sign up to races because the medals look awesome. We are lucky that some organizers take interest in designing medals for runners so they can show it off after they have earned it despite blood, sweat and tears. We look at our medal collection and...