Featured Articles | JustRunLah! - Part 66

Featured Articles

29th Mt. Kinabalu International Climbathon – Adventure Series

Catch the excitement as runners from around the world gather at Malaysia’s first UNESCO World Heritage Site for the annual Mt. Kinabalu International Climbathon. It’s a race like no other! While casual climbers may take an average of two days to scale the mountain, professional mountain runners can clock...

Review – Gaya Island Resort: A Private Paradise

We received the following review from one of the couples who won a luxurious vacation and we thought we would share it with all of you:  I was absolutely delighted when I found out I won a free 3D2N trip to Gaya Island Resort (GIR). A quick glance through the website and the...

Review: U Run All Access by U Sports, NTUC Club

What is U Run All Access? Previously known as the ‘U Run Premium Package’, the annual running package introduced by U Sports, NTUC Club, is now rebranded as ‘U Run All Access’ package, bringing about attractive lifestyle benefits and exciting features for avid runners and enthusiasts with its comprehensive registration...

Sports Fotography Challenge

Shoot and win! Sports Fotography Challenge is a newly launched event, in conjunction with Sports & Fitness Asia 2015 Exposition and Conference  that is taking place in Singapore coming Jun Submit your best photos with sports and/or fitness related content and stand a chance to win up to S$750.00 ! There are two categories, namely Student...

Sports & Fitness Asia is back in Singapore for 2015!

Following the success of the inaugural Sports & Fitness Asia 2013, Sports & Fitness Asia 2015 will make a return from 11-13 June 2015 at the Singapore Expo. Come face to face with latest strength and cardio training machines & equipment, sports performance apparel, sportswear & accessories, action camera &...

Stay motivated and safe with a SleekTag

Sports wristbands: The new trend! Judging from the recent goodie bags that have been distributed during the Under Armour’s Burpees Challenge, Oakley’s “Test With the Best” event and also, this year’s Standard Chartered Marathon, it is clear that wristband is one of the trendiest sports accessory now. In fact, it...

Calling All Adrenaline Junkies!

Your First Overseas Race for 2015! Ready to venture beyond the borders of Singapore for your next challenge? Take your next race to Sabah for the X12 DARK RUN! Held at the Nexus Karambunai Resort and Spa, here’s your chance to squeeze in a spot of luxury as well as...

“I’m as good as anybody out there”

  I've come a long way to get to where I am now. Like many of us I have gone through long hours of pounding and tearing through dirt, most of the times soaked in mud, day in and day out. The hottest tropical sun is no threat...