Gear | JustRunLah! - Part 18


Lock Laces – Never have to tie your shoe laces again

A runner's first world problem Who hasn't ever had to stop during a run -be it training or race- to tie his shoelaces? Now, if you are competing on a top level, this can be a major issue; for the rest of us, it is just a nuisance. One that can...

‘London 890v4’ New Balance Shoes: A Charity Auction

Update: Thanks everyone, for your support. This auction is now closed and the highest bidder will be contacted. Are you keen to get your hands on a pair of limited edition New Balance running shoes that will be launched next month? I am having a charity auction for a pair of...

Miracle Tape

Yes, by miracle tape, I'm referring to those colorful tapes that you see on runners and athletes. These tapes were made famous during the 2008 Beijing Olympics by the beach volleyball players (I think, do correct me if I'm mistaken here). I was skeptical to try them at first,...

Launch of Adidas Takumi running shoes for 2014

Adidas Takumi Racing Flats 2014 Series A couple of weeks ago, the new series of Takumi racing flats were launched in Japan. These racing flats are the premium marathon shoes from Adidas and is renowned for its responsiveness. I have personally wore the first series of Takumi Sen for all...

One more week to go…

2XU Compression Run Singapore 2014 One more week before the 2XU Marathon... I'm actually not quite ready, my longest run this month has only been 14km. Been somewhat busy with work, and a whole lot of other stuff, just couldn't have enough time to commit to run a 21km. Oh well,...

Music on the run…

Music on the run. Besides being obsessed with shoes in the last 2 years, I was also trying out all kinds of earphones... nah, this post is not about the earphones that I've used and had before, but just wanted to share that I need to have music to accompany...

What is the heel-toe drop and shoe stack height?

Running shoes anatomy 101 Heel-toe drop (or offset, or differential) is a term that came along with the boom of technology in running shoes, and the increasing interest in barefoot running. So what exactly is it, and why are people interested in it anyway? First of all, one needs to know...

Adidas Takumi Sen Review

Adidas Takumi Sen The quest for a marathon flat can be taxing. For the most of us, it could get boring racing and training in the same shoe again and again. Most end up getting new flats to race and in turn realize, awww this shoe is not for me. I...