Health, Nutrition & Fitness | JustRunLah! - Part 12

Health, Nutrition & Fitness

A one-day diet that will change your eating habits

There are simple things you can do in one day to jump-start healthy eating, but dieting doesn't happen overnight. 1) Keep it simple Registered dietitian and nutritionist Libby Mills says people often view changing their eating habits as all or nothing. Take one small step forward a day (such as skipping...

Levelling Up Your Workouts: 10 Things That Can Help You Achieve Your Full...

When it comes to physical fitness, it is crucial to understand the things you can do to boost and benefit your workouts. Working out is often the main focus of many people trying to reach their potential, but there are other aspects that are vital to consider as well....

How To Train Your Dog To Run With You

Running with your dog is something you can train for, and it's something you and your dog can enjoy doing together. Your dog will benefit from increased physical activity, and he will also get the cognitive and emotional stimulation he needs to be fulfilled and happy. You can teach your dog...

Fat Or Sugar: Which Is Worse?

The diet industry has conducted a ferocious war on fat over the past three decades, causing consumers to believe that reducing fat intake is the key to weight loss. It's important to understand that not all fats are bad for you and that many "healthy, low-fat foods" can occasionally...

Here Are 12 Things Healthy & Happy People Do During Lunch

1) They go outside The only opportunity you may have to leave the office once you arrive in the morning is at lunch. As little as two minutes in the fresh air to feel the sun or watch the rain could help your mind and body recover from the pressure...

How important is running for MMA fighters?

In the sports world, everything is full of vigour. Mixed Martial Arts, also known as MMA, is one of the world's fastest-growing and most popular sports. It is a growing phenomenon, and exponentially at best, that continues to draw a large number of fans from all over the world....

Does Roller Skating Or Rollerblading Benefit Runners?

Roller skating has been proven to be a terrific activity for runners. It's enjoyable, and worthwhile tasks have a higher chance of long-term success. This cardiovascular workout strengthens the hips, legs, and core. Although the hazards can be minimized with caution and safety equipment, the advantages to the mind and...

How Healthful Are Almond and Oat Milk?

The popularity of non-dairy milk like oat and almond milk is rising. How wholesome are they, though? A dietitian from the KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH) Nutrition and Dietetics Department, Joey Ho, explores the truth about which is healthier. Many people are switching from cow milk (dairy) to plant-based...