Health, Nutrition & Fitness | JustRunLah! - Part 12

Health, Nutrition & Fitness

Does Roller Skating Or Rollerblading Benefit Runners?

Roller skating has been proven to be a terrific activity for runners. It's enjoyable, and worthwhile tasks have a higher chance of long-term success. This cardiovascular workout strengthens the hips, legs, and core. Although the hazards can be minimized with caution and safety equipment, the advantages to the mind and...

How Healthful Are Almond and Oat Milk?

The popularity of non-dairy milk like oat and almond milk is rising. How wholesome are they, though? A dietitian from the KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH) Nutrition and Dietetics Department, Joey Ho, explores the truth about which is healthier. Many people are switching from cow milk (dairy) to plant-based...

Upper Body Exercises And Their Effect On Running Performances

Most of the time, runners don't give much thought to the size of their biceps. Why should they, too? Their legs ultimately matter the most. So upper body exercises are irrelevant for runners? Can you go further with strong arms? Depending on the style of the run, arm size and strength...

Why walking ten thousand steps will make you fitter

We have all heard about the hype around walking ten thousand steps, but what is the reason for this? Why is every fitness trainer an influencer on Instagram talking about doing the steps every day? Does this claim really have any scientific backing or is it just one more...

6 Ways Technology Can Help You Stay Fit and Health

Most people try to stay fit and healthy by exercising regularly, but even if you are a fitness enthusiast, there are times when life gets in the way, and it's hard to stick to your routine. Fortunately, technology can help. Here are six ways technology can help you stay...

How to Maintain Your Oral Health and Physical Fitness in Tandem

Although it’s essential that we regularly exercise to maintain our physical health, working out can actually have a negative impact on our oral health. From high-impact sports causing tooth loss and the need for dental implants to dehydration causing plaque build-up, exercising, unfortunately, brings some downsides. Despite this, there...

How to Optimise Your Running Performance

When you’ve never ran previously, hitting 5K for the first time feels like the biggest accomplishment; however, in order to stay motivated, you need to keep setting goals. If you simply run 5K after 5K, you’ll soon grow bored and start to lose your motivation, which can severely impact...

Low Impact Workout For People With Bad Knees

Are you just starting out on your fitness journey and want to lose some weight first to lessen the impact on your knees? Or perhaps you have painful knees and high-impact exercise is simply out of the question…at all? There are many low-impact exercises you can do to increase your...