Health, Nutrition & Fitness | JustRunLah! - Part 24

Health, Nutrition & Fitness

The Most Effective Ways to Build More Muscle and Lose Fat

Losing weight seems like a far-fetched dream for a lot of people until you actually start seeing positive transformation in your body. One of the reasons why losing body fat and building more muscle takes time and often leads to frustration is that people do it the wrong way...

Flabby Arms Challenge: Regaining Confidence For Summer

Summer is coming, the flowers are blossoming, and the sunshine prompts us to spend more time outside. It’s wonderful, yet for many summer warmth provokes anxiety: which clothes to choose to hide the flaws of your body? Let’s say it straightforward: it’s the wrong question. The right one says:...

Check Out These Superfoods For Superhumans: How To Stay Healthy And Happy

Someone once said that it is not the strength he wields, but the intelligence with which he wields it that makes Superman the hero he is. With so many food choices, both safe and unhealthy, deciding which foods can make us superhuman rather than super sick is becoming increasingly...

Overcoming Running Injuries: How To Come Back Strong

Recovering from a running injury can take time, and the process can be a frustrating one. It is essential to take care of your mental and physical health during times of injury and adjust your training schedule to accommodate any temporary limitations. Here are some of the steps to take...

6 Effective Pieces Of Advice To Become Stronger And Exercise Better

Physical strength allows you to take charge of your life in a variety of ways. Physical strength, in particular, will motivate you to change your eating habits, improve your self-esteem, and feel great all over. Physical power, above all, can be a valuable asset in your later years. You must...

Taking the Ethical Route: 6 Reasons to Choose Sustainable Shoes

Right now, the shoe industry does not have an enviable reputation when it comes to being sustainable or ethical. Below are a few data generated from organizations that aim to foster sustainable practices by providing an open-source platform for persons interested in working towards better ways of making shoes: In...

Why Surfers Should Run & Runners Should Surf

It is common for athletes to cross different sports and excel at it. This is why we have seen athletes that can be pros in different sports, using their strength and skills across different sports. This is why surfers should run and runners should surf. Running is an excellent way...

Six Reasons Your Teeth Hurt While Running

Running should be a regular activity for anyone that wants to maintain a good shape. However, if you are the type that frequently runs either as a career athlete or to maintain a healthy body system, you might behind to experience some aching in your teeth while you are...