Health, Nutrition & Fitness | JustRunLah! - Part 30

Health, Nutrition & Fitness

5 Reasons Why Running is the Ideal Sport for You

Some people get into running at a young age. They find they’re good at it, and they enjoy it. Maybe they love racing the other neighborhood kids and beating them every time. Running is something you can continue to do your entire life. However, you can also pick it up...

Keeping Up the Pace at Home

The World Health Organization has recommended at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity or at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity or a combination of both throughout the week. That’s at least 30 minutes of movement, five times per week., but many of us seem to find it challenging...

Which Is better… Running Vs. Working Out?

If there's something we can call as the topic of hot debate, then it would be the real winner between running vs. working out! Some say that running is the best, while others believe nothing is better than working out in the gym. No matter if you want to shed...

What is Kickboxing?

History of Kickboxing Kickboxing, although it came from Asia, is not as old as some of the other forms of martial arts that it is based around. KickBoxing was first introduced in the late 1950s by a man named Osamu Noguchi. He adapted from other forms of martial arts, one of...

How To Bring Up A Young Athlete: 6 Tips For Parents

To be the champion's mom or dad is a big job. It takes a lot of time, patience and effort. At the same time, it brings incredible pride and joy. We tell you how to help your child to win the highest titles both in sports and study. If a...

Benefits Of Drinking Protein Shakes Before Exercising

If you're looking to be physically fit and healthy, you’re probably thinking of consuming protein shakes before your workout. Realistically speaking, the benefits of drinking protein shakes before exercising are many. When a person is exercising, they can lose a great deal of weight. But to lose weight, it's...

Will Strength Training Make Me A Faster Runner?

Running is a sport that requires coordination, core stability, leg strength, and agility. Strength training should be a fundamental part of any runners routine because it increases muscle, reduces the risk of injury, and improves mobility in the joints. When you prioritize proper weight lifting, you strengthen the muscles...

3 Best Things to Eat Before Training

Nutrition is an enormous part of training at any level, and giving your body the right fuel to burn during the day and during a training session is important. Knowing what foods will work best for particular types of workouts, which foods will aid in recovery, and how much...