Health, Nutrition & Fitness | JustRunLah! - Part 30

Health, Nutrition & Fitness

4 Sources OF Electrolytes You Should Be Taking Daily

Electrolytes and fluids are necessary for all cells, organs and even the human body itself to function properly. These substances are electrochemical in nature and help maintain a proper balance between chemicals. Electrolyte fluid is used in the skin to help prevent dehydration and can also help keep the...

All About the Sports Science Degree

Are you interested in both sports and want to learn what our bodies do during physical activity? Well, then it’s obvious. You must enroll in a sports science degree! In this article, we’ll examine what one needs to get on this course, and what options await you after graduation. Sports…...

When Should You Get Back into Running Following a Car Accident Injury?

You’re running, perhaps trying to lose weight or preparing for a race. Maybe you do it for personal enjoyment. Whatever the case, you’re hitting your goals and staying disciplined until one day out of nowhere you suffer a life-altering injury from a car accident. Depending on your personality, you may...

Which Supplements Can Benefit Runners?

If you are a runner, there’s nothing more disheartening than a slowing pace or being too sore to operate the following day after a long run. If you have noticed a change in your running habits, the root cause could be a deficiency. As running takes up a lot...

How can Running Boost Your Mental Health?

Participation in road running races in Asia has increased by 169%, reports SCMP, with some training for marathons, half-marathons, or Ironman style events. Others are signing up merely to enjoy a great day out, boost their fitness, or even shed a few unwanted pounds. Running is a great way to boost...

How to Effectively Lose the Extra Fat in Your Body

Most people want a fast and easy way to get rid of all of their excess weight – unfortunately, there really is no quick and easy way to lose all of your extra weight in the short term. For you to be successful with your efforts, you can start...

5 Reasons Why Running is the Ideal Sport for You

Some people get into running at a young age. They find they’re good at it, and they enjoy it. Maybe they love racing the other neighborhood kids and beating them every time. Running is something you can continue to do your entire life. However, you can also pick it up...

Keeping Up the Pace at Home

The World Health Organization has recommended at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity or at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity or a combination of both throughout the week. That’s at least 30 minutes of movement, five times per week., but many of us seem to find it challenging...