Health, Nutrition & Fitness | JustRunLah! - Part 4

Health, Nutrition & Fitness

Love Healthy and Fitness? Here Are 5 Fantastic Career Options to Consider

Are you passionate about living a healthy lifestyle and eager to spread the wellness bug? Imagine transforming that zest for fitness and clean eating into your day job! Now, let’s plunge into five marvelous career paths that merge your enthusiasm for health with a fulfilling profession. Jumping from a hobby...

Sip or Skip: The Calorie-Worthy Drink Dilemma

Next time you brew a cup of tea or grab a drink from the fridge, ponder whether your favorite beverages are boosting or compromising your health.Studies reveal that the brain processes liquid calories differently than calories from solid food, potentially leading to unknowingly consuming hundreds of excess calories.Beyond just...

The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Running for Weight Loss

Running is one of the most effective ways to lose weight and improve your overall health and fitness. The Couch to 5K program is designed to take you from complete inactivity to running 5 kilometres (or 3.1 miles) over a series of weeks through a mix of running and...

Burn More Calories With This 20-minute workout!

Just 20 minutes of exercise can alter our genes for the better - a kind of genetic reprogramming that increases endurance and muscle strength. Moreover, there are plenty of effective exercise options that burn calories and help you lose weight in a short period of time. It is important...

How Self-Care Can Help You Lose Weight

Considering how many of us are still working from home, it could seem like the ideal moment to commit to losing weight. However, losing weight might be difficult due to the abundance of pressures to cope with. However, adopting the proper self-care techniques can aid in weight loss. Most of...

Enhancing My Running Performance and Recovery: My Experience with Chiropractic Care

As a regular runner in Singapore, covering distances from 5 to 15 km twice a week, I've faced my fair share of challenges and discomforts. About two years ago, I began exploring chiropractic care, initially with some skepticism, but curious about its potential benefits for my running routine. Beginning My...

Running Downhills: What You Need to Know

Running downhill is much harder on the body than most runners realize, and there are certain form tips to be aware of. These are particularly crucial if you're running a long, downhill marathon. Even if going downhill seems easy, it's the most painful for many runners because of the constant...

Running in Style: Choosing Perfect Running Kits for Comfort and Performance

“The real marathon is never the race, but the preparation leading up to it.” — John Hanc.  While there are about 1.77 million runners around the world, the awareness regarding the benefits of this physical activity has created an ever-increasing demand for running kits that help with amazing performance on...