Working From Home? Try Deskercise!
Amidst the current virus situation, many companies have sent their employees home to work and it happens that you are one of them. Even at home, you are most likely to be stuck at your desk from dusk to dawn, trying to meet deadlines and attending countless conference calls....
How You Are Hindering Muscle Recovery without Knowing It
Pushing your body too far in the name of exercise is not healthy. There is nothing wrong with trying to push yourself, but you need to know where your limits are. Whether you are suffering from an injury, or you have just overdone it with your last workout, whenever...
Top 5 healthy foods that enhance your immunity
How to boost the immune system? There are various ways to boost your immunity, but all of them are not as effective as having healthy food and enjoy a stress-free life. If you think that you already have strong immunity, we suggest you think one more time. A strong...
How To Keep Your Heart Healthy And Live Longer
Heart diseases rank among the world’s top killer diseases, yet some people do not give these diseases the attention they deserve. With too many proven ways of keeping human heart-healthy, it doesn’t make much sense as to why too many people are being diagnosed with and killed by heart...
How jogging influences students learning abilities
There's an old Roman proverb that indicates a direct correlation between a healthy body and a sound mind. In our time, however, there's a wide misconception that athletes are not the most successful students which kind of contradicts the ancient Roman wisdom. If these few words have put you...
Fitness enthusiasts work out even when they are sick
Fitness enthusiasts work out even when they are sick. Not so enthusiastic gym-goers, on the other hand, will find the slimmest illness excuse to skip the gym. But between these two groups of people, who is right? Is working out while sick a positive or negative thing? Well, working...
5 Tips for Getting Back in Shape After the Holidays
holidays are known as a period of self-indulgence. Christmas meals are known to
be rich and exercising is not as often as you want. You spend Christmas time
and New Year’s Eve with your family and friends, chatting and drinking mulled
after the winter holiday fever is over, most people realize that...
5 Tips for Breathing Right While You Run
Everyone can
run, but only a few understand how to breathe rightly while running.
In this article, we are going to share with you some helpful tips for the right breathing while running.
running, energy is burned to give you endurance and speed. Oxygen is used in
plenty during this process. Understanding...