How jogging influences students learning abilities
There's an old Roman proverb that indicates a direct correlation between a healthy body and a sound mind. In our time, however, there's a wide misconception that athletes are not the most successful students which kind of contradicts the ancient Roman wisdom. If these few words have put you...
Fitness enthusiasts work out even when they are sick
Fitness enthusiasts work out even when they are sick. Not so enthusiastic gym-goers, on the other hand, will find the slimmest illness excuse to skip the gym. But between these two groups of people, who is right? Is working out while sick a positive or negative thing? Well, working...
5 Tips for Getting Back in Shape After the Holidays
holidays are known as a period of self-indulgence. Christmas meals are known to
be rich and exercising is not as often as you want. You spend Christmas time
and New Year’s Eve with your family and friends, chatting and drinking mulled
after the winter holiday fever is over, most people realize that...
5 Tips for Breathing Right While You Run
Everyone can
run, but only a few understand how to breathe rightly while running.
In this article, we are going to share with you some helpful tips for the right breathing while running.
running, energy is burned to give you endurance and speed. Oxygen is used in
plenty during this process. Understanding...
Psst… You runner? Do you ever get high?
Not that shady kind of high. The runner's kind of high. Most would like to dismiss it as a myth, but it is real. How does anyone get it? I have no idea exactly. So how do I know its real? Because I ran into it. Once. Ten years...
How do you go from running the roads of Singapore to tackling the...
While lacked the ideal terrain here in Singapore to prepare for the big mountain races we were passionate about, something about the sport of trail running and dreams of spending time in the mountains kept us hooked.We sought to improvise and find creative ways to get the necessary training...
Eat Your Water For A Better You
It is advisable for you to drink 8 cups of water daily to keep yourself hydrated and to also take care of your skin. However, there some of you who couldn't drink too much water or just don't like to drink.
Great news for you, you can now eat your...
5 Signs Inflammation is Hurting Your Quality of Life
slowly but surely takes its toll on our bodies. As we age, a variety of
day-to-day actions become more difficult. These challenges – often brought on
by poor diet, lack of exercise and other unhealthy habits – can be increasingly
difficult to overcome with age. Many of these conditions result in pain...