Health, Nutrition & Fitness | JustRunLah! - Part 47

Health, Nutrition & Fitness

5 Successful Methods to Reduce Weight and Body Fats After Giving Birth.

You just gave birth a precious little one and you are eager to get back in shape and back to your pre-pregnancy weight. Be patient, because most mothers don't lose their baby weight until their babies are 1 year old. Regardless due to pregnancy, all weight-loss procedure takes time,...

When Should You Allow Your Kids to Run? Is There a Right Age?

You see that parents start letting their kids take part running event at a young age and you start wondering that, is there an "appropriate" age to start running? So, let's find it out. The kids can #JustRunLah In actual fact, you will find no data that kids will have ligaments...

Do You Think Men Lose Weight Faster Than Women?

Weight loss topic is always an ongoing interest among all of us. You may find someone you have knew seems to be more likely to lose weight than one another. What makes up this individual difference? Research has shown that uncontrollable factors like genetics and age can be contributing,...

5 Reasons Why College Students Should Start Running Every Day

Physical exercise is not as boring and tiresome as most people perceive it. It can actually be fun; all one needs to do is to understand its importance. There is a wide range of physical activities so why running? It’s free! Who wouldn’t like saving some dollars and still...

3 Trending Activity Tracking Programmes in Singapore and Their Perks!

Singaporeans are becoming a healthier bunch lately, after all the advertisements and campaigns from our National Health Promotion Board (HPB). And while most of us are keen to get our hearts pumping faster and burning off some of those pesky calories, we may not always have the luxury of...

11 Top Marathons In Thailand You Should Not Miss

Do you know that Thailand is not only famous for its shopping, local delicacies and also its traffic conditions? Thailand is also known to runners for its different terrains and the unique experience it has to offer during their runs. Check out these 11 Marathons you shouldn't miss in...

Last Minute Pre-Marathon Tips

It's pretty scary that months of training culminates to one big day - one day makes or breaks all the effort you've put in. However, here's to remind you that you've put in the hard work. It's important to trust your training and trust the process. Don't worry too...

What To Eat The Week Of Your Marathon?

It's marathon week! Many of us love taper week - it's a much-welcomed break after a bout of hard intense training. However, what you eat during this week can make or break our marathon. We are all familiar with the term carbo-loading. But we have to remember this does...