5 Inspiring Videos of 2017 Every Runner MUST Watch

Runners, we run to inspire and be inspired. Here are 5 very inspiring videos - that teach us to persevere and not give up no matter what.
#1 Ashima Shiraishi Shows Us Age Is No Barrier
Ashima Shiraishi is only 14 years old but she can scale boulders and rock climb like...
4 Heartwarming Videos Of 2017 Every Runner MUST Watch

It's really warms your heart when you see runners extending a helping hand to one another - we really are like one big family! It really touches your heart - how sport can bring everyone together!Here are 4 really heartwarming videos you must watch!
#1 Ariana Lutherman
17 year old Ariana...
The Science Of Sport Drinks – What Sport Drinks Should You Buy?

Hydration is a very important element of running and racing. To run well, you need to be able to refuel and rehydrate well. Refuelling and rehydrating is a very delicate issue. Anything could go wrong and cause you gastrointestinal problems. Understand your sport drinks, and know when to drink...
What Do Runners Want For Christmas?

Christmas is just around the corner! We runners are pretty much very simple people, we want very simple things. Looking to get us the perfect Christmas gift ? There isn't the need to brainstorm - here are the 3 things we runners want for Christmas and no surprises - they...
The One Big Mistake Women Make When They Start A New Weight Loss...

You're ready and pumped up to start your new weight loss plan - whether it's going on a new HIIT routine or starting a no carb diet. You can't wait to make these lifestyle changes. However, it is important for your plan to be sustainable. However, have you ever...
5 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Quit Working Out

Sometimes an unplanned rest day becomes a week and turns into months. Sometimes an injury puts us out for longer than anticipated. Here's what happens to your body when your workout comes to a halt. So it's always good to keep your routine and if you have an injury...
5 Best Christmas Gifts For Runners

Tis' the season to be jolly - yes, it's that time of the year again, it's Christmas. Looking for something to get your loved ones who happens to be an absolute running addict? Here are 5 Christmas ideas for you. These would make perfect gifts for any runner.
#1 Running...
These 5 Injuries Might Have Lifelong Consequences
Admit it, there have been times when you have pushed yourself a little bit too hard. Wanting to transcend ourselves and push our limits is in our nature as athletes, however, what you might not know is that even common injuries can have a long-term effect on your life...