Health, Nutrition & Fitness | JustRunLah! - Part 50

Health, Nutrition & Fitness

Learn From Your Race Experiences By Doing…

As the year draws to an end and you wrap up a year of training, goals and races, it's wise to look back at your year in review to see what went right, and what went wrong. If you've had a great year, you would want to repeat the...

Here’s When To Use Ice Therapy & When To Use Heat Therapy

Ice and heat are natural and very affordable ways to relieve pain. However, there is so much confusion out there. Here is a simple guide that gives you a rough understanding on when to use cryotherapy and when to use thermotherapy. What Is Ice For? Ice are for fresh injuries -...

What Is Your Racing Weight?

 It has been said that 4 factors determine how fast you are – genetics, form, how smart and hard you train and weight (not necessarily in this order). Every runner knows weight affects performance. As a general rule of thumb, lighter does equal faster. However, we must always remember too...

Do You Know What Fruits Make You Gain Weight?

Don't get us wrong, fruits are extremely healthy. But they can make you gain weight if you don't watch what you eat! It's great that we're swapping the junk food for healthy snacks such as fruits and nut, but we've got to watch the quantity because some of these...

7 Ways To Fix These Common Sleeping Problems

Sleep is a very important aspect, especially for us runners. Sleep is when our body recovers and rejuvenate. It is recommended that we get at least 7 - 8 hours of shut eye. Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Here are a couple of hacks for these common...

Don’t Try Anything New On Race Day!

We've all heard this one critical rule before - but seriously, this is an important rule to follow. Trying something new and untested could really mess up your race! Honestly this is a one very basic rule of marathon running, but one many of us tend to forget. We...

8 Tips For A Successful Taper

If you are anything like me, I absolutely love taper week. Your running is reduced, your mileage is reduced and your intensity is reduced. It's a kick back and relax week. It's about staying rested, and getting yourself mentally prepared. Tapering is actually a very important element in marathon...

5 Drinks You Should Stop Buying!

We run, and naturally, running makes us thirsty. You did a long run, you think you deserve that ice cold Coca-Cola. Thing is, not all drinks are great recovery fuels. Some are terrible! #1 Ice-Blended Flavoured Drinks Photo Credits: Blendtec Yes, that Starbucks Matcha Frappe or Iced Hazelnut Latte should not be...