4 Foot Injuries To Watch Out For While Running

As a runner, we put our feet under immense stress and pressure. We are more susceptible to foot injuries. Here are 4 foot injuries to look out for while running.
#1 Plantar Fasciitis
The plantar problem is whereby you have a pain at the bottom of your heel. This is particularly...
5 Mistakes That Are Keeping You Fat

I go for that body combat class and grit class back to back everyday, every week, why aren't my abs showing? - sounds familiar? It is often said abs are made in the kitchen - only 20 percent exercise! Here are 5 eating habits that will help you get...
Guide To Your First 50km

So, you've conquered the marathon distance - what's next? Some of us would want to hit a better personal best, conquer the elusive sub4 or sub3 mark, but some of us would like to take on a greater distance. Here is a guide to your first 50km. It may...
3 Pacing Strategies To Your Next Personal Best

Running a personal best is a delicate thing - all things must come together in the right manner.
Look at Kipchoge's attempt at the world record in Berlin! With his Monza performance, his coach Patrick Sang was confident he was at his peak. But, weather conditions proved too tough for...
5 Foods To Avoid Before Your Next Big Race

With a big race, with putting all our hard work, determination and effort into a big race, we want to minimise the chances of things going wrong. Already so many things can go wrong! Here are 5 foods to avoid before your next big race. Don't let a toilet...
How Many Calories Does Running Burn?

It's quite simple actually. Most experts suggest that a person of an average weight burns about 100 calories every mile he runs. You burn more if you are a less efficient runner. You burn more if you weigh more. This is because you would require more energy to cover...
4 Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Body Fat

Been there, done that! We all probably have been through, yet we find ourselves in the same position time after time. You start to wonder what you've been doing wrong, or are you even doing anything right at all? Somehow or rather, we can't see the changes we were...
How Runners Should Deal with Toenail Fungus
Toenail fungus is a common fungal infection, which affects runners quite frequently. The constant moisture, inadequate hygiene, and sturdy footwear are among the factors favoring the appearance of such infections. As an athlete, whether professional or amateur, the most important thing is to be able to train regularly. Unfortunately,...