Health, Nutrition & Fitness | JustRunLah! - Part 54

Health, Nutrition & Fitness

How to Avoid Knee Pain Caused by Running

If it wasn't for our knees, we couldn't run at all. They act as all-natural shock absorbers, cushioning the impact your body makes with the ground; they also convert that force into energy and forward propulsion. But it's precisely this fact that makes them forever vulnerable to injury and...

3 Common Runner’s Injuries and How Long it Takes to Heal

One of the biggest fears of any runner is having to miss their next race due to an injury. Making things worse, our eagerness to get back on the track often leads to re-injuring ourselves, which, in turn, leads to longer blackout periods. In this article by Dr Michael...

4 Reasons Why Runners Should Try Spinning

Spinning is an indoor workout that is accomplished on an immobile bicycle that helps in maintaining your fitness. This workout is suitable for athletes of all ages. Spinning is a good way to exercise both your body and mind. The spinning vehicle comes with an adjustable seat, handle, bars...

Overuse Injuries: 5 Ways to Avoid Overexertion and Training Errors

You have heard it before. Exercise - be it running, cycling or core strength building - is great for your body. This is due to a remarkable process known as adaptation and remodelling, which is the ability of your body to constantly breakdown and build-up muscle, tendon, bone and ligament...

4 Benefits Of Massage Therapy For Runners

If you haven't heard, massage therapy can significantly improve your running potential. Here are 4 benefits of the massage therapy. #1 Prevents Injury Often when we increase our training load, it results in our muscles becoming pain and fatigue. This pain and fatigue is caused by the accumulation of lactic acid...

Understanding Your Heart Rate Zones

Everyone is getting a heart rate monitor these days - be it a heart rate tracker or one that is embedded in your GPS watch. But forking out so much dough but not fully utilising your heart rate tracker seems a little wasteful doesn't it? Well, if you're going...

5 Tips For Any Runner To Become Faster

We runners are always looking for ways to get faster, to go the extra mile. Here are 5 tips for any runner to become faster. #1 Speed Work We all know, to be faster, you've got to run faster. Track training is a really important aspect of training. You can't expect to...

Step Challenge is Back for 2017 with Unique Perks

Step Challenge is back again for the second season, and it has gotten bigger and better! Start tracking your steps to a more active lifestyle and win unique prizes. There is a category for everybody, and this year’s edition features a brand new Active NSmen category. So let’s get active...