5 Tips to Improve Endurance Running in Hot Climates
Malaysia is hot. Not only hot, but sticky, due to the high humidity associated with a tropical climate. Go for a training run, or take part in a race and these conditions routinely slow us down, making us feel pretty awful in the process. Consequently, many of us do...
How Long Does It Take To Lose Running Fitness?

Runners obsession - running! Just one day of no running and we go 'oh no, I'm unfit!'. We start to freak out, we become jittery and we begin questioning out fitness. It is all runners' biggest fear - to lose our hard built fitness. So how much fitness do...
Everything You Need To Know About Gels

Endurance athletes heavily rely on energy gels as an energy refuelling product. These days there are a plethora of energy gels to choose from. The problem these days aren't in finding a product, but sorting through the myriad of products and choose the best optimal glycogen delivering product for your...
14 Tips to Ace your Next TPS Race
Follow a Plan
Success in any endeavor comes to those who plan. Pilots follow flight paths, builders have an architects plan, while businesses have marketing, financial, operational plans and more.
If you’re interested in improving your running, staying injury free and enjoying your training, having a training plan will set you...
How often should I run? What is the most effective way to train?
Many elite runners run almost every day, some even twice a day. One critical thing is they have built up a level of fitness to cope with the training volume. I used to run 16km from my home (in Telok Blangah) to my army camp (in Nee Soon) every...
Travel Health: Keeping your body fit and healthy even while overseas.

Most of us love travelling. It's always a great feeling to be out of the country for a few days or weeks and just take a break from the rush of everyday life.
However for some, travelling also means a halt, or disruption, in their workout routine. We are all...
Mid-day snacking: What to reach out for when you experience the mid-day lull.

It's post lunch on a work day and you are trying to keep the sandman away. While you are battling with this, it seems like your mind is also telling you that some ice-cream or chocolate, or anything sweet, will be a fantastic choice to boost your productivity for...
Run More, Eat Less. Lose Weight, Maybe Not.

It sounds theoretically correct does it not? Running more equates to burning more calories, and eating less equates to consuming less calories. Thus, calorie input is less than calorie output, hence it should result in greater weight loss. This all makes logical sense.
The Obesity Research & Clinical Practice journal recently published...