Health, Nutrition & Fitness | JustRunLah! - Part 57

Health, Nutrition & Fitness

6 Tried And Tested Approaches To Recovery

In athletics, recovery is part of training. It is when you recover well that you are able to push through another tough session. It is when you recover well that you become stronger. There is an array of options for you to choose from when it comes to recovery....

Healthy Snacking: It Matters What You Stock Up In Your Fridge.

When it comes to dieting, or eating healthy, many people tend to get quite lost as to what they should be doing or putting into their bodies on top of all the exercise they do. I'm not just talking about those who are starting out but also the ones...

How Much Sleep Do You Need To Perform At Your Peak?

With the never-ending demands of life and work, we feel like we are constantly short of time. How many of us have wished that there was 48 hours in a day? - Exactly! Not only do we try to juggle work and a social life, we also try to...

Diet and Exercise: Is One More Important Than The Other?

It's a constant struggle between these two isn't it? While a popular saying goes "20% exercise, 80% diet", don't we look at ourselves and wonder why our bodies don't seem to have changed even when we feel we have been eating healthy and staying away from carbs, deep-fried and...

5 Things To Know About GPS Watches

The GPS watch has evolved much in these couple of years. The players have dramatically stepped up their game to provide us end-users with a greater product. If you're in to health and fitness these days, it's time to get yourself an upgrade! Here's 5 things you can expect...

Para-athletics: A Brief History and Introduction

Many of you avid runners out there might have heard of para-athletics but not know exactly what are its origins and how exactly does the classification of para-athletes work. Hopefully, after reading this article, you will have a deeper understanding of what para-athletics is all about and next time...

Pregnancy And Running

If you are a mother, or going to be one soon, and your favourite past time is undoubtedly sports, you may want to have a look at this article. It's rather common nowadays to see videos and articles on exercises for pregnant women and while most of them are...

Smelly Shoes? Here Are Some Ways To De-stink Them

If you are anything like me, your shoes will be the last thing you think of to clean or wash. While your work shoes may not smell bad enough to be cleaned often, your running or gym shoes will definitely need some refreshing after using them for a few...