Health, Nutrition & Fitness | JustRunLah! - Part 61

Health, Nutrition & Fitness

How I Stopped Vomiting After Long Runs

The last two long distance runs I did were a real cause for concern. Weeks 6 to 8 of the marathon training plan I'm following called for a 20K, 22K and 24K workout, respectively. I felt great during the 20K. I had my bottle of water and my gel. I...

Best Kind of Lunch to Have to Keep You From Falling Asleep At...

We all know that sluggish feeling you experience almost right after you have had a good lunch. All we want is our beds to slump in to and get in a nice siesta. But there is obviously no way we can do this in the middle of a work...

Counting Steps – Does It Do Anything For Your Health?

If you have noticed over the last year or so, you may have seen some people who stare at something on their wrists as they walk. No, they aren’t playing Pokemon Go. More likely, what they are looking at is a pedometer, which counts the number of steps you...

Meet Kris – Asia Trail Master Series Founder

We spoke to Asia Trail Master Series' founder Kris Van De Velve. If you don't already know what the Asia Trail Master Series is, it is a series of trail running events across Asia, featuring an annual championship ranking and lifetime achievement awards. This is for you to score...

3 Substitutes for Rice that are Healthy and Help You Lose Weight

Like what bread is to the French, white rice is to Asians. In fact, so many of us grew up on it that as much as we can, we have to include at least a bowl in as many of our meals as possible. While it used to be a...

Why You Should Never Go To Bed With Your Phone

I admit, I’m guilty of this on some nights when I want to complete some work in bed before I go to sleep. With the advent of smartphones in our society today, many of us use our phones for more than just calling and texting. We use them as...

Exercising at Home VS Exercising Outdoors

Some of us enjoy getting our workout done in the comfort of our own home. Then there are those who prefer to brave the outdoors and do all their exercising outside. Regardless of which option you choose, there are pros and, well, relative cons of whichever you prefer. Exercising at home For...

Maintaining Your Caloric Intake During CNY

The Lunar New Year is just around the corner and I’m pretty sure most of us are hyped up about indulging in those delectable CNY goodies like pineapple tarts (my ultimate favourite!), peanut cookies, nian gao and so on.  Photo Credits: Craftshub But beware the calories you consume at the same...