Health, Nutrition & Fitness | JustRunLah! - Part 62

Health, Nutrition & Fitness

Bloating – What are the Causes and How to Prevent It

There are days when I wake up feeling like a pregnant woman. My whole belly feels distended and I don’t know if my stomach is telling me it needs me to sit on the throne to relief the build-up or if I just need a good, long fart. Before you...

Keeping Yourself Fit and Healthy In The Year of the Rooster

The year of the rooster has already started to prove a tough year to keep the workout momentum going. It didn't seem like too long ago that we were just done with the Christmas and New Years eating, we are now looking at welcoming the Lunar New Year at...

5 Best Food For Runners

Running isn't just a single dimensional thing. Running is actually all this little aspects of life combined together - eating, running, sleeping, recovery. To be good at running, you can just be discipline at running. But, to be at the top of the running game, you've got to be...

Exercise Obsession: It is Real and Painful

Regular exercise is great. Great for the body, great for the mind and everything in between. Getting your sweat on at least three to four times a week can help to keep your bodily functions in check, achieve clear skin and of course, lose weight and keep it off. Taking...

Can Your Weight Affect Your Knees?

Many of us take our knees for granted but what we don’t realise is that they are an integral part of our bodies that allow us easy movement. Whether it’s simple tasks like walking or more active movements like exercising, we need our knees around to keep us flexible...

Go To Bed Early, Wake Up Early

I’m sure many of you have heard the adage “early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. And it is not something you want to ignore. This doesn’t mean that you have to be in bed by 9pm every night and up by 5am...

Suffering from Insomnia? – 3 Remedies for a Good Night’s Sleep

I can fully understand how awful not being able to sleep is when you know you need it to function properly the next day. The worst is when you have an important meeting or interview early the next morning and you can’t afford to be out of it. Fret not!...

Flabby Arms? 5 Exercises To Get Rid Of Them Once And For All

You are getting ready for a big night out. You have got your dress right and your makeup right but as you walk past your mirror to leave, you see a jangle happening in your arm. Flabby arms are not only unsightly, they are also a sign that you...