3 Health Advice You Should Pay Attention To in 2017

The new year is upon us and while we are hard at work partying our lives away (not literally), we need to be thinking about how we can keep ourselves healthy and good in 2017. Your new year resolutions aren’t going to happen on their own so you need...
Sensitive Skin and Exercise

While we may enjoy exercising and working up a sweat, some of us aren’t lucky enough to continue feeling comfortable in our own skin after doing so. In fact, because of sensitive skin, we end up feeling itchy and highly irritable after each workout session, which may only cause...
Should You Exercise When You Are Sick?

You are down with a bad case of the sniffles but today is also your intense cardio workout day. What do you do? Do you dive for the couch with a blanket and a warm mug of tea and take the day off or do you push forward and...
Is Your Weight Indicative of Your Fitness Level?

In our current society, many people associate a slim physique to a being healthy. In fact, many young ladies and men go on crazy diets just to make themselves slim enough to be considered good-looking and “fit”. Because of this, it has become such that when people see a...
Dieting: Which Method Works The Best?

Dieting fads are everywhere, literally. If you are one of those who is constantly online, you will know what I mean. From the Atkins Diet to the Mediterranean Diet, there are so many ways “experts” have claimed you can lose weight quickly and effectively through. What many don’t tell...
Why You Should Have a Protein Shake After Exercising

Contrary to popular belief, protein shakes aren’t just for those who are looking to bulk up. Even if your intention is to drop the pounds, having a shaker of protein shake is important.
What is this protein shake you are talking about?
For the uninitiated, a straight up protein shake is...
Home Cooking VS Eating Out

As much as I enjoy dining out at hawker centres, cafes and restaurants occasionally, I am a big fan of home cooked food. Although some of you may not like the fuss that comes with having to clean utensils and cutlery thereafter, home cooked food is, without a doubt,...
Skinny Fat: Yay or Nay?

Your friends envy how slim you are, how awesome that you are able to fit into all the nice clothes and look good in them. At the same time, as much as you know that you are naturally thin and cannot put on any more weight even with more...