Health, Nutrition & Fitness | JustRunLah! - Part 65

Health, Nutrition & Fitness

6 Health Benefits of Honey

Everyone loves honey. Seriously, who doesn’t? Besides tasting awesome, it contains a whole load of health benefits for the regular consumer on its own or when mixed with other condiments like lemon, lime and/or cinnamon. I personally enjoy it with ginger and lemon. But as much as we love the...

Heart Attacks: Signs You Should Not Ignore

Just because you are young does not eliminate you from the possibility of getting a heart attack. I felt the need to point that out first because many young people seem to like thinking that a heart attack is an “old person’s illness”. Unfortunately, in recent years, many cases...

Always Eat ‘75% Full’

Most of us love to eat. With our wide array of cuisines, we are constantly spoiled for choice on the types of food we can choose from for each of our meals. In recent years, buffets have been super popular, especially among the youth because of the value-for-money and eat-all-you-can concept....

What Important Supplements Do Our Bodies Need As We Age?

As we grow older, our bodies start to decline in almost every aspect. Our metabolism dips to an all-time low, we get tired faster and everything starts sagging. This is because our bodies are no longer as capable of absorbing some key nutrients which may be a result of...

When the Mind Becomes Your Biggest Enemy!

Have you ever experienced a moment when during a great pace in a run all of the sudden your mind would starts to fill your head with doubts and tempt your body to just quit? Being mentally tough plays a big role in Running, it can affect your time, pace and overall experience....

Run To Lose Weight Or Lose Weight To Run?

After running for some time, there will come a point where you will start to wonder what else you can do, that you have not done to be able to run better, faster. You'll start to look for ways to race faster. And no doubt the question of whether...

Sleep: How Much Do You Really Need?

Sleep, like the food we eat and the air we breathe, is vital to our well-being. When our body is not well rested, it gets flustered and uncoordinated. Our health deteriorates too as our bodily functions start shutting down. But as we speak continuously on how we should be getting...

Weight Loss = Total Calories In – Total Calories Out!

Unless you belong to the lucky few, losing weight is one of the topmost wants on anyone’s mind. With all the good food surrounding us, especially for those living in Asia, it’s a real chore to keep the weight off while enjoying the delicacies so easily available to us. In...