Health, Nutrition & Fitness | JustRunLah! - Part 67

Health, Nutrition & Fitness

Matt Hoover – The Biggest Winner

Weighing at 340 pounds, Matt Hoover joined the Biggest Loser with a dream, to get back into shape. With superhuman effort he managed to drop 157 pounds and went on to take home the Champion title. Contestants are placed in a controlled environment and lucky to be surrounded by...

Is The Haze Back? Useful Tips for All of Us!

IS THE HAZE BACK!? As of this morning, based on the National Environment Agency, the 1-hour PM2.5 showed that the air quality in North Singapore 124, West Singapore 181, Central Singapore 64, East Singapore 47 and South Singapore 82. A good air quality PSI reading should fall between 0-50. So yes,...

5 Inspiring Moments From The Rio Olympics

With the curtains closing on the Rio Olympics, there are so many inspiring moments that will go down in the history books. Kudos to all the Olympians - take a bow! Some people run to inspire, some people run to be inspired! The likes of the great Usain Bolt,...

Health Check: 20-29 Years Old

During our teenage years from 12 until 19, we feel almost invincible. Our bodies are in the best shape of our lives and so is our health. We can eat whatever we want and still not put on too much weight. Everything seems to be well-oiled and working in...

5 Reasons You Should Totally Date A Runner

If you haven't heard there's this article on reasons NOT to date marathoners/runners! I mean sure dating a runner may not seem like the brightest idea. Who would want to spend their time with a running-obsessed addict? These strange people drop cash on racing a 5km or 10km when...

Road Running (5km & 10km) in Asia: What You Need To Know

In the running world, the Marathon distance seems to be the ULTIMATE goal for most runners. The 5km and 10km distances are seen as mere stepping stones to achieve this. Not to discredit the marathon distance, but, shorter distances may just be cooler! Well, the marathon is definitely not...

5 Excellent Fitness Exercises for Runners

The thing with running is that it is a one repetitive movement pattern across one plane and you will be using the same muscles over and over again. Many other muscle groups that could increase your running efficiency are often neglected. Mixing up your routine with other fitness exercises...

5 Basic Types of Runs All Runners Need

If you want to be a better runner, you can't just go out and run for as long as you can or as fast as you can. Well, you may be able to improve to a certain extent, but if you want to bring your running performance to the...