The process of transforming from a non-runner to runner is no easy task because it requires a lot of motivation, determination and self-discipline to change...
We spoke to Jamie Hunt, co-founder of 2XU. 'By Athletes, For Athletes' - his 2XU together with his impressive Ironman performances really becomes the...
Once touted as Singapore's brightest spark for running events in her secondary school years, Yvonne Lin has continued to run competitively and clinching titles...
JustRunLah!: How will you introduce yourself to Asia running and fitness community?
Chris – I’m Chris from Superhero Runners, my alter ego is Batman.
Sue –...
Who say you can't run when you are pregnant?
24 weeks pregnant. 37 weeks pregnant. No problem!
JustRunLah! chatted with Hilda, the Champion Mummy who came...