Q&A With Lim Chee Yong, The First Langkawian And the Youngest Malaysian Ever...
Lim Chee Yong or better known as Chee Yong, was only 20 years old when he won the 3rd Place in his age group (18-24 years old), which automatically qualifies him for IRONMAN World Championship in Kona, Hawaii. To add icing on the cake, he was crowned as the...
Interview with Fanny Koh – a REAL® Runner
Being a busy policewoman protecting the city doesn't stop Deputy Assistant Commissioner of Police, Fanny Koh from running during her free time. Read on to find out her race experiences and her weekly fitness routine!
1. How would you introduce yourself to Singapore running and fitness community?
I enjoy sports since young and have...
Interview With 10 times Gold Coast Marathon Finisher: Lim Han Chee
Why do you keep returning to run GCM?
Gold Coast is a beautiful place to go to for marathon running. The course is flat and fast, with the added lure of the golden surf beaches and the spectacular Pacific Ocean. I like the Gold Coast marathon course a lot. It...
Interview With A New Mom of 10-Months-Old Qualified For Boston Marathon
"Nothing Is Impossible."
Being a new mom doesn't stop her from pursuing what she loves to do, Yvonne Siew (@yvonne_siew) completed her first marathon at Nagoya Women Marathon 2018 (NWM) after giving birth a baby girl. A bonus added, her finished timing (3:33:46) also hit the Boston Marathon qualifying time...
Interview With Tokyo Marathon 2018 Finisher: Agus
JustRunLah!: How would you introduce yourself to Asia running community?
Agus: I am a journalist who loves running. I work for Kompas Morning Daily, the biggest newspaper company in my country, Indonesia. My running buddies, especially from my Kompas Gramedia Pelariian Runners and Run For Indonesia, call me by the nickname...
Race Report: SPARTATHLON 2017 – The Ultimate Ultra-distance Race of 246 km
We are glad to share David Christopher's amazing story of SPARTATHLON 2017. For the uninitiated, Spartathlon is a 246 kilometre (153 mile) ultra-marathon race held annually in Greece. It began in 1983 and is run between Athens and Sparta. This year, it was held on the 29th and 30th of...
Interview With Derrick & Cindy: Couples Who Run Together, Stay Together

JustRunLah! : How will you introduce yourself to Asia running and fitness community?
Derrick – I am Derrick Teng and I am a Mizuno F1 Runner.
Cindy – I am Cindy Ong. I am also a Mizuno F1 Runner. Some of the team mates joke that we are the PB (personal best)...
Interview With Henry & Yvonne – Couples Who Run Together, Stay Together
JustRunLah! : How will you introduce yourself to Asia running and fitness community?
Henry – My name is Henry and I run for fun.
Yv – I'm Yvonne Siew and a running enthusiast. I like to try out different terrain races, to test my limit at different categories and I really enjoy running at different...