Fun | JustRunLah! - Part 4


Beautiful Yet Reasonably Priced Hotels in JB You Won’t Believe

Singaporeans, as with most nationalities around the world, love holidays. We take whatever opportunities that come our way and either take flight to neighbouring countries like Thailand or simply pack their bags and drive into Johor Bahru for a weekend getaway. So if you are one of those looking for...

Awesome Running Playlist, Anyone?

I am bored with my running playlist. I have reached the point where I push the skip button so much that my fingers are now getting more of a workout than my legs.  So, I've deleted every song and decided to start anew. I don't know if I would be...

Know Your CNY Cookies: How Much You Need To Burn Them Off

With the Chinese New Year just around the corner, we thought it would be good to get to know your CNY cookies. Snacking on some CNY cookies can be pretty addictive - like those dried shrimp rolls. I probably could whack half a tub whilst watching some Hong Kong...

A Dog For Every Speed – Runner’s Best Friend!

It's always nice to have a running companion, and what better than men's best friend. Especially for the female, running with a dog can give you more security - even more so when you are running after work or school when the sun has already set. Whether you are looking...

Learn and Laugh at Random Marathon Facts

Learn some cool fun random facts about the marathon distance - the almighty 42.195km. #1 Berlin and London are the two marathons where the fastest marathon timings are clocked. Now you know where to go for that personal best of yours. #2 The fantastic 4 from Kenya holds the course records in...

Runfies (aka Running Selfies) – Do’s and Don’ts

Whether we are on the bus, on the way to work or just chilling out at home, we all love to take a selfie or a wefie if our look is right (because no one takes one when they look like crap and that’s the truth). These self portraits...

5 Things You Will Relate To, If You Are Dating A Runner

So, you are dating an avid runner. Like many other types of people, runners also have certain quirks that they develop over time as they get more and more involved in the sport. If you are a runner yourself, you may not notice them but if you aren’t, here...

5 Reasons You Should Totally Date A Runner

If you haven't heard there's this article on reasons NOT to date marathoners/runners! I mean sure dating a runner may not seem like the brightest idea. Who would want to spend their time with a running-obsessed addict? These strange people drop cash on racing a 5km or 10km when...