Fun | JustRunLah! - Part 6


3 Things Runners Hate At Races

#1 No Water You're panting and sweating buckets and maybe getting hydration at the next water point is the only thing that would keep your body from losing all 70% of our body's water. Okay, I exaggerate. But we runners understand how important having water at water points are when you're...

Checked off more than 5? You are addicted.

1. Your wardrobe is dri-fit. We agree. It's the most convenient and useful piece of clothing. All those day-to-evening fashion statements should start including dri-fit. Sometimes, we even try to wear a black dri-fit shirt and convince yourself that if you stand really far, it would look like a classy...

5 Things Runners Do When We Think No One is Looking

We all probably have had a fair share of our friends rolling their eyes at us and giving us the "why do you even do that?" look. Definitely, there are differences between runners and non-runners. And some of them can be pretty ridiculous. Shopping for new running gear Raise your hands if...

5 Differences Runners vs. Non-Runners Have

1. The #ootd Runners: Always sporting some sort of running attire, all ready to squeeze in a jog/run whenever. Why waste that extra few minutes changing into the outfit?! Even if we're going for an event first, we're going to masquerade the sports wear into some form of "formal wear." Definitely not scrimping on...

From your bed to the park, what effort it takes…

Getting out of your bed to go for a morning run or jog may seem like an uphill task to some, but sometimes all you have to do is to convince yourself to just do it... Or basically, just run lah! Here are 6 simple steps you can take to make...

Running Makes You Poop!

Ever experienced the sudden urge to do a number 2 while you are running? It can be an embarrassing problem when you are running in a group or even during a race, putting you in a tight and agonising spot. While this may be a difficult topic to approach...

What Are Our Singapore Runners Wishing For Christmas This Year?

Previously, we asked you to share with us your christmas wishes as part of our contest for Santa Run For Wishes 2015. Many had wished for world peace, harmony, happiness and health, while some had also wished for a haze-free white christmas. We have received many interesting well wishes, and have picked out some of our favourites,...

3 Ways To Keep Your Race Bibs!

Every race bib is a symbol of achievement, memory and glory and is unique to each race that a runner had participated in. Do you simply chuck them aside, store them in a folder or have interesting ways to collect these pieces of precious race memories? With some creative juice, craft materials...