5 Superfood All Runners Should Know

Superfoods are simply nutrition powerhouses - food jam-packed with vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants. They have incredible health benefits of which are good for your heart and overall health. Eat right, and you will run better. Combined with the right kind of food your body uses to fuel your run...
4 One Pot Quinoa Recipes You Can Make For Dinner Under 30 Minutes

The health benefits of Quinoa cannot be overstated. People hail it as a superfood in recognition of its high nutritional content - it has twice the protein content of barley and rice and a great source of calcium, magnesium, and manganese. It is a wheat-free alternative to starchy grains....
First Ever Geo-based Virtual Challenges is Here in Singapore: JustMove Asia!
Always wanted to go for a run but you're unsure where to do so? Or have you run out of route ideas? Fret not, join us in our inaugural Geo-based virtual running event series in Singapore!
So, What do you have to do?
1. RUN – Any day. Any time. 10 different...
10 Books Every Passionate Runner Should Read (and Remember)
Running is one of the most popular sports all around the globe, with more than 60 million joggers in the US alone. Motivation is extremely important in this type of physical activity because you get to compete only against yourself, so you are the only one who sets goals...
Aussies are now slower than ever, study finds

In a recent study, researchers from RunRepeat.com analyzed marathon timings in Australia from 2000 to 2016 and concluded that Aussies have never been slower. Their database includes 183,061 results from 154 different races.
When they plotted the mean finishing times year after year (figure shown above), they observed a trend that indicates...
6 Women-Only Races All Ladies Should Not Miss

Talk about girl power, here's one for the ladies. Here are 6 women only races all ladies should not miss!
#1 Mizuno Lady Running, Taiwan
Mizuno Lady's Running is a run in Taipei, Taiwan, exclusively for women. The tagline for the Mizuno Lady Run is - We can do anything better!...
Are Fun Runs Declining in Asia?

Are fun runs on the rise or decline in Asia? Fun runs are normally of the 5 km distance. They are non-competitive and people do it, as its name suggests - for fun! They are often themed, and a great way for you to have a great time out...
3 Popular Diet Plans Any Runner Should Know

If you are looking to boost your athletic performance, here are 3 popular diets that could just do the trick. Take your fitness performance to the next level by fueling yourself right. These diets are different. They work on optimizing your energy levels and training your body to use...