What Do Runners Want For Christmas?

Christmas is just around the corner! We runners are pretty much very simple people, we want very simple things. Looking to get us the perfect Christmas gift ? There isn't the need to brainstorm - here are the 3 things we runners want for Christmas and no surprises - they...
The Healthy Runner’s Diet: Top 5 Energy-Boosting Foods for Top Performance
Eating healthy isn't just about taking some healthy foods a few days to a marathon. Runners should choose a healthy diet throughout an entire training cycle to impact their athletic performance.
The best practice athletes can adopt is to take a high-carbohydrate meal within sixty minutes of a run. This...
5 Races During The 2018 Malaysia Long Weekends You Can Consider!

Malaysia has so many public holidays, make the most out of it by going for a race-cation! Here are 5 beautiful races that coincide with the Malaysia long weekends worthy of a race-cation! What you waiting for? Book your flights, train hard, and have the time of your life!
5 Best Christmas Gifts For Runners

Tis' the season to be jolly - yes, it's that time of the year again, it's Christmas. Looking for something to get your loved ones who happens to be an absolute running addict? Here are 5 Christmas ideas for you. These would make perfect gifts for any runner.
#1 Running...
Do You Know What Fruits Make You Gain Weight?

Don't get us wrong, fruits are extremely healthy. But they can make you gain weight if you don't watch what you eat! It's great that we're swapping the junk food for healthy snacks such as fruits and nut, but we've got to watch the quantity because some of these...
Binge Eating And 3 Reasons Of Overeating
Two of most common concerns of overeating are 1) Weight gain and Obesity (which can lead to self-esteem issues), and 2) Health issues. In this article, we will explore 1) Binge Eating, and 3 reasons of overeating.
Binge Eating
Binge eating is a common form of overeating. It can be defined as a...
Discover The Tampines Heritage Trail – 3 Trails, 3 Difference Experiences

The National Heritage Board has just launched it's 17th heritage trail - The Tampines Heritage Trail. Explore the Singapore heritage while keeping fit and healthy at the same time! The trail features 18 heritage sites which celebrates and promotes the distinct memories and histories of these areas where Singaporeans...
Interview With Derrick & Cindy: Couples Who Run Together, Stay Together

JustRunLah! : How will you introduce yourself to Asia running and fitness community?
Derrick – I am Derrick Teng and I am a Mizuno F1 Runner.
Cindy – I am Cindy Ong. I am also a Mizuno F1 Runner. Some of the team mates joke that we are the PB (personal best)...