Bloating – What are the Causes and How to Prevent It

There are days when I wake up feeling like a pregnant woman. My whole belly feels distended and I don’t know if my stomach is telling me it needs me to sit on the throne to relief the build-up or if I just need a good, long fart.
Before you...
5 Best Food For Runners

Running isn't just a single dimensional thing. Running is actually all this little aspects of life combined together - eating, running, sleeping, recovery. To be good at running, you can just be discipline at running. But, to be at the top of the running game, you've got to be...
My Mid-Life Crisis
I woke up on 1 January 2017 and thought about the next 40 years.
I turned 40 in 2016. I didn't become rich and famous. I didn't own a multi-million dollar company. I wasn't on the cover of any magazine. I am in a job that is fulfilling and I...
Beautiful Yet Reasonably Priced Hotels in JB You Won’t Believe

Singaporeans, as with most nationalities around the world, love holidays. We take whatever opportunities that come our way and either take flight to neighbouring countries like Thailand or simply pack their bags and drive into Johor Bahru for a weekend getaway.
So if you are one of those looking for...
Top Destinations To Consider For Your Next Holiday In 2017

2017 is about to happen and some of us are already planning what we want to do in the new year. Calendars of long weekends in 2017 have even been released so that you can go ahead and plonk in those holidays you have been thinking of taking without...
Awesome Running Playlist, Anyone?

I am bored with my running playlist. I have reached the point where I push the skip button so much that my fingers are now getting more of a workout than my legs. So, I've deleted every song and decided to start anew.
I don't know if I would be...
Go To Bed Early, Wake Up Early

I’m sure many of you have heard the adage “early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. And it is not something you want to ignore.
This doesn’t mean that you have to be in bed by 9pm every night and up by 5am...
Know Your CNY Cookies: How Much You Need To Burn Them Off

With the Chinese New Year just around the corner, we thought it would be good to get to know your CNY cookies. Snacking on some CNY cookies can be pretty addictive - like those dried shrimp rolls. I probably could whack half a tub whilst watching some Hong Kong...