Lifestyle | JustRunLah! - Part 33


Learn and Laugh at Random Marathon Facts

Learn some cool fun random facts about the marathon distance - the almighty 42.195km. #1 Berlin and London are the two marathons where the fastest marathon timings are clocked. Now you know where to go for that personal best of yours. #2 The fantastic 4 from Kenya holds the course records in...

Men’s Health Virtual Run 2016 – Race Whenever, Wherever You Like

The Men's Health Virtual Run is a brand new concept that brings runners from all walks of life together to strive towards a common goal - clocking in 100,000 km in 2 months. The goal is to individually clock in 100km, and collectively hit the 100,000km mileage. Participants simply...

Runfies (aka Running Selfies) – Do’s and Don’ts

Whether we are on the bus, on the way to work or just chilling out at home, we all love to take a selfie or a wefie if our look is right (because no one takes one when they look like crap and that’s the truth). These self portraits...

5 Gift Ideas For The Runner Who Has Everything

We, runners, are difficult to please. If you've ever read any post-race comments or reviews, you'll surely agree. So, what can you do when you need to shop for your running buddy who already has all the gear and fitness gadgets? Don't worry, we are here to help: here are...

Food: Every Asian’s Guilty Pleasure

It's not a secret that we love our food. And when I say love, I mean adore. It’s rare to hear an Asian saying that they only eat to put something in their stomachs because to us, food is all-encompassing. It gives us joy, pleasure, satisfaction and adds so...

Vegan VS Runner

Being a vegan has become almost like a fashion trend in recent years. But how many of us actually know what becoming or being a vegan entails? If you were brought up in a vegan household, it may be easier for you but for those who have decided to...

Life is More Exciting When You Exercise

Those who don’t exercise don’t know how much rewards you can reap from doing so. And I’m not just talking about you looking good and feeling good. While that may be the push for many people to get active, exercising can also bring you closer to like-minded people and...

5 Scary Things That Happen If You Give Up Running

It happens. No matter how ardent of a runner one can be, you may still run out of juice one fine day and decide that you will not be putting on your running shoes any longer. Whether it is because of work, family or other personal issues, it is...