5 Progressions of a Runner

How do you get from your monthly 2.4km IPPT to a half marathon to suddenly deciding to challenge your body to take on a triathlon? It's unfathomable. Then, there are also many other endurance sports that runners progress from their journey as a runner. What does it take to get there?...
Understanding Hong Kong and its Running Society For All Travelling Runners

Run along one of the busiest and vibrant places in Hong Kong, Ma On Shan-Sha Tin Promenade and stop over at one of their traditional breakfast place selling beef brisket. Let's break this down further into 3 steps every traveling runners should take.
#1 Find a running route
Search for a running...
Understanding Japan and its Running Society For All Travelling Runners

Read the bucketlist of 5 breathtaking routes in Asia all runners must try once, you'd see Japan on it. Twice. So apart from its comfortable weather and unique culture, travelling runners get to take in its stunning views while clocking in their mileage. Tokyo Marathon is one pretty famous race that...
4 Online Running Portals In the World Runners Should Bookmark

1. From Europe - Competitor
This site is full of tips on training, nutrition and fitness news. Have an IT band pain? They've 10 medicine-free solutions for that. Want to bring your running game a step further? Learn how to make carbohydrates work for you! For those just getting started,...
5 Despicable Ways to Earn Vouchers via HPB’s National Steps Challenge
On 30th of January, we waited in line to collect our free pacer in order to participate in the National Steps Challenge. How the challenge works is pretty simple, download the Healthy 365 App, link it to your free pace tracker, strap on the pace tracker to some part...
Understanding Malaysia and its Running Society For All Travelling Runners

The first thing when visiting a new country (let alone to run!) is to check out the climate. Temperatures range from 25C to 35C. It has the humid environment, not uncommon in South East Asian countries. Malaysia is also known for its beaches, rainforests and mix of Malay, Chinese, Indian...
4 Online Running Calendars Around the World Runners Should Bookmark

Foodies want to try the local delights, shopaholics search for shopping districts, while runners, well, we like to run. That's the most familiar yet adventurous way to get to know the country and its people.
Here are 4 links to bookmark and check BEFORE booking your next holiday! 😉
1. For races...
Understanding Singapore and its Running Society For All Travelling Runners

Singapore is a sunny island popularly known as the "Little Red Dot." Smacked right at the equator, we've got summer all year round. Our temperatures range between 25C to 32C. Unless you run at 12noon (when you risk suffering a heat stroke), Singapore is a completely safe place to run...