6 Things Runners Say – Life as a Runner
Runners come in all shapes and sizes, age and genders but there are just some things that we all share in common that make us part of the running community. Do you embody any of these 6 lifestyle habits and qualities of most runners?
1. "My watch is cooler than...
6 unique races not seen in Singapore… yet
As we browse through races around the world, there are some which we think to ourselves: Could this race be brought to Singapore? With our race venues, available resources and demographic of runners, here are some races that made us stop and think:
Men-Only Race
Women-only races in Singapore are extremely popular as...
Sports Drinks: Born In The Hospital?
Bottles of colorful liquids are often spotted in the gyms, sports arenas and running benches where athletes gulp them down after working out. Sports drinks come in various flavours, sizes and contain different nutrients but do you know how did these seemingly magical drinks come about?
88 year-old medicine drink - Lucozade
Tan lines, we are proud of them!

People know you that are a runner when you get tan lines on different parts of your body from running in the summer heat of Singapore during daytime. Some of these ‘signature’ runner lines include: Watch tan, sock tan, sports bra tan, shorts tan and so on. While these...
In Fashion! Bright Running Apparels. What Does Each Colour Represent?
Bright colours are in!
You have probably noticed that almost every runner is geared up in a bright display these days. Do you find yourself buying them too? Here are two reasons why bright colours are in trend, and why they might actually be a good idea to wear!
- Looking good is the first...
5 Glorious Ways of Combining Singapore’s Two Loves: Running and Eating!
After a long, hot and sweaty run, it’s time to pamper yourself with a sumptuous, affordable meal. JustRunLah! suggests five places where you can enjoy a meal without having to change out of your sweaty running gear:
Changi Beach Park / Changi Village Hawker Centre
This one’s a favourite for both running...
Durians vs. Runners
Arhhh... It’s Durian season again!
Durian prices have been dropped significantly, so, are you having a feast? There are a lot of stories, legends and myths about this fruit. As runners, should we bother about them or... Just Eat Lah?!
So let us look at some facts and myths about durians that runners need...
The 11 Most Irritating Things To Happen Before A Race
Trying to get to the venue on time:
1. Traffic jam.
2. No parking lot.
3. Looking for a place to park legally.
Entering the starting pen...
4. Long queues at portable toilets.
5. Long queues at bag deposit area.
6. No toilet papers! (Possibly the worst out of the 12 listed?)
7. Forgot to bring race bib, denied...