Lifestyle | JustRunLah! - Part 43


Runner’s Profile: The Running Girlfriend

Being drenched in sweat and feeling sticky all over isn’t exactly the most glamourous state a girl would like to be in. However, the sense of satisfaction and achievement from having burned calories, strengthened agility and stamina would have reduced those unnecessary concerns to nothing. Getting Your Boyfriend To Chase...

Three Ingenious Ways To Convince Your Girlfriend To Run With You

It’s the time of the week again where you put on your running gear, head to your usual venue and prepare to go for another run which could possibly be your next personal best timing or distance. However, the thought of having to conquer this path alone might make...

Navigating the Supermarket, A Runner’s Guide

Despite the cheap and easy option of 24-hour food courts or hawker centres, perhaps you’ve made the decision to cut down on eating out. After all, the best way to control what goes into your food is to prepare it yourself. But if it’s been a while since your...

Learning From the “Poop Man”

Late last week, a story of Swedish distance runner Mikael Ekvall made the rounds on the internet once again. It's not a news story because it happened years ago, and there are only so many times you can tell the same story of a man pooping himself in the...

5 Things Not to Say to a Runner

Sometimes, being a runner is a lonely experience. You’re surrounded by well-meaning friends and family members who don’t always sympathise with your struggles, and perhaps unwittingly even discourage you with some irresponsible remarks. All runners can relate to the following five statements, and here are some of our responses. "Why...

Navigating the Food Court

Perhaps the New Year has seen you resolving to get down to, or maintain a current healthy weight. Good for you! With the festive season over, it is time to put the endless party snacks, alcoholic drinks and special occasion meals behind us, and to return to a normal...

I heard, if you want to lose weight… JustRunLah!

Running and losing weight at the same time is not an easy task, especially here in Singapore with all the wonderful local foods available. Even more so, the fact that we are in the middle of festive season doesn't help at all! This article is meant to encourage consistency, promote awareness and...

Why Has Singapore Become a Pay-To-Run Nation?

Singaporeans must be really training hard to combat the potential rise of the transportation cost in Singapore. With the price of ERP, COE, train fare, taxi fare, bus fare going up, the pragmatic Singaporeans are finding a potentially new way to save on their travel expenses, support a cause, get...