Who Said Running Was Inexpensive?
Welcome back everyone Captain Canada is fresh from a 28 KM taper run legs aching soul a breaking. With the countdown to the SCM 42 underway I thought it would be appropriate to discuss one of Captain Canada's darkest secrets.
Now I hope you will all contribute some opinions to...
Running Scenery – Parc de la Seille, Metz, France
Hello, world!
I'm the Ninja Turtle, and this is my first post on JustRunLah! Although a Singaporean born and bred, I have spent the last ten years living overseas - I know, lucky me. I'm currently based in a city/town (terminology disputable, one man's cosmopolitan city is another man's kampong)...
5 Questions that runners are tired of answering

Did you win the race?
Do you ever get bored of running?
Wouldn’t you ache a lot by running so fast and/or far?
Blah blah blah!
Yes, as runners, regardless if we are amateur runners, leisure runners, seasoned runners or even, competitive runners, there are bound to be several questions that we are...
Race Review: The 5k Foam Run (by Chelza)

Singapore's most Foamtastic run
Extra set of clothing? Checked.
Towel? Checked.
Courage to crawl through the sand? Checked.
Enthusiasm to be soaked in foam and water? Checked.
At 8.15am, I arrived at the starting point of the 5k Foam Run- Siloso Beach. All participants are supposed to arrive about an hour before the timing...
Costume races and cosplay marathon runners
Creative marathon runners around the world
Looking for costume ideas for your next race? We have put together a collection of some of the most creative costumes seen in races and marathons all over the world.
London Marathon, U.K.
Don't drink and run!
No chickening-out for this one.
The bird is the word.
Rubik's cube...
Are You Man Enough? (Slightly NSFW – You’ve been warned!)
Editor's Note: Today's JustRunLah! post is a little cheekier than usual. We hope it brings a smile in the middle of a work week!
Runners are well-aware of the reported benefits of compression sportswear - some swear by it, some insist that it makes no difference whatsoever. Whatever your stand...
One more week to go…

2XU Compression Run Singapore 2014
One more week before the 2XU Marathon... I'm actually not quite ready, my longest run this month has only been 14km. Been somewhat busy with work, and a whole lot of other stuff, just couldn't have enough time to commit to run a 21km.
Oh well,...
Running t-shirt etiquette
Finisher t-shirts is not a rare sight in our country. You must have come across people wearing them and proudly displaying their achievement in all sorts of places, from the gym to the hawker center, and from classrooms to a night out. How many of them are they doing...