Race Review: Singapore Aquathlon 2015 [Sprint] (by Moses)

Disclaimer: my race slot was sponsored by MetaSport, the organisers of this event, in return for a pre-race write-up and a post-race review (this).
As with my other reviews, I attempt to provide a thorough and objective recount of my experience. Do look out for the font in italics as they're aspects which...
3 Reasons why runners should pick up Pilates
Similar to Yoga, Pilates also challenges a person’s flexibility, balance, core fitness and strength; all of which are valuable to a runner. Below are some benefits to convince yourself to start trying out Pilates:
1. Run longer and faster
Pilates helps to develop a strong core by supporting and strengthening the...
Race Review: Ironman 70.3 Bintan (by Ginni Chan)

It was a wonderful weekend in Bintan, more so for participating in the Ironman 70.3 Bintan race. This is my third 70.3 event and as the sayings goes, 'third is a charm' is indeed true.
Due to many factors such as proper nutrition, double training sessions, good weather and racing with...
Race Review: Tri-Factor Triathlon 2015 (by ‘hedgiebunny’)
My First (Standard) Triathlon - Checked
My last blog post was in May where I attended a Triathlon Training Clinic conducted by MetaSport in anticipation of participating in my first standard triathlon.
On 23 August 2015, I finally did it - 1500m swim, 36km bike and 10km run (in this order)...
Interview with Máire – A Physiotherapist, Gaelic footballer and Runner
Runners come from all walks of life and each of them has a unique story to tell. JustRunLah! chats with Máire, a recent podium finisher of the Shape Run 2015 (10km) and Asia representative for World Gaelic Games to find out more about her running journey and life as a professional athlete and therapist.
JustRunLah!: How will...
Civil Service Club Singapore Duathlon: Calves vs Thighs
Running and cycling are the two most popular aerobic sports in Singapore which trains your stamina, strength and boost cardiovascular health. Runners usually have strong calves while cyclists have powerful thighs, specifically the 3 main groups of the quadriceps, the hamstrings and the adductors. Do you know which other type of athlete embody all...
Preparing for Singapore Aquathlon

For people who are keen to take-up a multi-sport event, it would be good to give the Singapore Aquathlon as a try! Available in the Junior, Sprint and Standard distance, you can join the category you are comfortable with. For first-timers, I will always recommend you to start small, go for the junior...
Getting ready for Ironman 70.3 Bintan!

Ironman 70.3 Bintan was previously known as Metaman Bintan and it is organised by Metasport. It is heartening to see that it is now an Ironman race and an increasing number of inaugural Ironman 70.3 races are being held in Asia. It's definitely a good thing as we do...