If Running is Freedom, why stick to the Tried and Trusted?
Every day, the running blogosphere, of which I admittedly am an insignificant but nevertheless guilty part, adds motivational, reflective, entertaining, educational, journalistic, etc. etc., pieces to its already unfathomably large and seemingly diverse universe. I say 'seemingly' because ultimately the number of genres it contains and the thematic conventions...
My Forest Force 50 [15km] and JustMove! Asia: Bukit Batok Nature Park (by...
It was the first edition of Forest Force 50. And the race site was at Dairy Farm with the scenery much different than the usual Gardens by the Bay, F1 Pit Building or the high rise buildings. This time, the highlights of the route were just simply nature and...
Reviews: Income Eco Run 2019 and Garmin The Performance Series 2019 Race 1...
Income Eco Run 2019
The annual Income Eco Run champions environmental conservation and aims to encourage everyone to play their part in support the cause for zero waste. Held on 28th April at the F1 Pit, it includes the following categories: 21.1 km, 10 km, zero waste 5 km...
Race Review: Income Eco Run 2019 [Half Marathon] (by KenJoe)

Three weeks ago, the last review was on the 2XU Compression Run. A quick update: the race did have some hiccups as the official race results were not released due to some contractual fulfilment that was pending. So it was 19 days later before the results were released. This...
My Income Eco Run 2019 [10km] (by Lingderella)
While most of my running friends were participating in the half marathon category, I participated in the 10km category this time as I had scheduled for a minor surgery just a little more than a week prior to the race. Doctor had adviced no running for 2 weeks, but...
What Counts as a Trail in Singapore
As a new arrival in Singapore it didn't take me long to realize that Singapore's large and thriving running community has jumped on the trail running bandwagon full-on. I've been running trails and streets for a couple of decades now, in various countries. And on top of real running,...
Review: United Airlines Guam Marathon 2019 (by healthobeing)
Just happened 2 weeks ago, but it was not until now that I had the time to pen down this wonderful experience in paradise. Running the Guam marathon was not something that I had expected.
Guam is a USA territory, but it is nearer to Philippines and Japan than the...
My JustMove! Asia: Bukit Timah Hill Summit (by Lingderella)
It's a hike and I had a great workout! And we were sweating like crazy, not exaggerating I sweat as though I had done a 10km run, though it's a 6.5km hike/walk! I jio-ed Eleanor and Rey on a weekend to Bukit Timah Hill ?
It's crowded with families bringing...