Personal | JustRunLah! - Part 49


Japan Kansai SenShu Marathon 2017 with GoPro

If mention about Japan Marathon, most people will thinking of Tokyo and Kyoto Marathon. These two are the most hottest, magnificent best scenic Marathon host in Japan. However, both Marathon also review as One of the hardest ballot to win Marathon from Earth! I was lucky enough to win Tokyo Marathon...

Discipline. Determination. Dedication.

This week has been very inspiring. I had the privilege to receive some running tips from coach Lexxus Tan from F1 Runners, join the team in a Good Friday beach training, meet and get to know like-minded people and receive three very powerful words in running, the 3Ds - discipline, determination...

Four Wheels Good, Two Wheels Better?

I'm a cyclist, I make no apologies for it, although sometimes in Singapore, I often feel I need to. When your average Singaporean finds out I ride a bike on the main road, they cry "whoaaah dangerous lah!" But is it really that dangerous? The last government statistics show that 17...

Race Review: Teh Tarik Run 2017 (by Jilian)

The Teh Tarik Run, I believe is the first of its kind in the world and I was part of it today. The run took place at East Coast Park (near the seafood center). My boyfriend and I arrived at the race venue at 6.45 am as instructed in...

Singapore ParkRun, a Catalyst for Running Tourism

I know most people write race reviews based on paid events, but why not choose one of the many varied, free to enter races that happen in Singapore? That's because there aren’t many… but wait, what's this, a running event that’s free? Yes, West Coast Parkrun. Parkrun started in 2004...

Race Review: 2XU Compression Run 2017 [21km] (by Recca)

This year is the first time that I join the 2XU (think is read as two times you instead of 2.X.U(?)) compression run. A very mainstream popular run, and definitely a very crowded one.  Almost everyone should have heard of this run before. This time round, paid S$63 for the...

2XU: Means twice as many people to run around in 21km

Running marathons and 1/2 marathons in Singapore is a love/hate relationship. On the positive side: they attract a huge amount of attendees which makes the event huge. On the negative side: they attract a huge amount of attendees, which makes the event huge! I love running in large events, I...

Race Review: 2XU Compression Run 2017 [5KM] (by Rebekah Ong)

"Let Your Heart Set the Pace" is this year 2XU Compression Run tagline and I did just that! I was determined to get a good timing and achieved my personal best at this year 2XU Compression Run! This is one of my favourite runs and I have been joining it...