Personal | JustRunLah! - Part 53


Major Night-Runner Shifts to Morning Runs (…at least once a week)

A New York Times article once published a story about the best time to exercise. And according to research, it's somewhere between 4 and 7 P.M. Personally, I've done some runs during those times. And yes, I agree that my body feels like it IS the best time to exercise....

Race Review: Marina Run 2017 [HM] (by Lingderella)

(Photo Credits: Running Shots -Epalite) Race slot is still available up for grab to even 1 day before race day, according to their Facebook page, it's due to overwhelming response or is it really "overwhelming response"? ? But I think the response is really not that good since...

Virtual Run Review: 21Day Challenge Feb 2017 (Be The Fighter) [100KM] (by maylindateo)

I took part in this virtual run for the first time and truly enjoyed it! It says a habit can be formed in every 21 days. Running to me is already a habit, but for other (good) habits that you have not formed, try to do it for 21...

Men On Top At Rogin-E ManCon

     THE ULTIMATE experience for the Filipino man happened last February 18 when Rogin-E in cooperation with Fox International Channels presented the very first “Rogin-E ManCon” at the Metro Tent in Pasig City.  The whole day affair was packed with exhibits and activities that catered to the man on...

Race Review: Run For Hope 2017 [10km] (by Lingderella)

Agaration about 25% of deaths in Singapore every year is related to cancer. It's really a very high percentage ? With advances in science and cancer research activities, it is hopeful that progressive breakthroughs can lead to a cure and manage cancer better. Run for hope is a run...

Race Review: Safari Zoo Run 2017 [10km] (by KenJoe)

This time, as a friend said to me, 'You are running for the animals'.  Yes, it's the Safari Zoo Run and I was answering the call to raise awareness for wildlife conservation.  To make things interesting, there are 4 teams: Team Ah Meng (orang utans), Canola (manatee representing aquatic...

Race Review: Safari Zoo Run 2017 [10km] (by Roarie)

Safari Zoo Run and REPC Safari Zoo Run 2017 is back for its 5th year and continue to draw many new as well as past participants into running for a cause - Wildlife, and also, it continues to commemorate our beloved Ah Meng who passed on and became an angel...

Race Review: Safari Zoo Run 2017 [10km] (by Lingderella)

It is my first time participating in Safari Zoo Run. The Safari Zoo Run is organised to raise awareness for wildlife conservation and to encourage family bonding. Thank you JustRunLah! for the slots! Runners participating in the run gets complimentary entry to the Zoo and River Safari...