Personal | JustRunLah! - Part 57


How true? “The minutes lost are worth your ego?”

(Warning! Sensitive write up.) Aside from suffering from perpetual painful blisters and leg cramps, it is something I have always dreaded about and a subject always left unspoken when it comes to long distance running, be it a leisurely long distance run or a major race I have always dreamed...

Running Gear Review: Apple Watch Series 1 with Lunatik Epik H2O

Hello world! I am sure a lot of us have gone through the experience of looking for timing devices to measure our exercise sessions. Some have resorted to just bringing our smartphones with us whilst others prefer wearables. Personally, I use both! So there's no right or wrong way. "What is important,...

Race Review: NUS Bizad Charity Run [10 km] (by KenJoe)

Jan 14th, Saturday late afternoon, found me at a familiar place in NUS amongst the over 1400 participants in the NUS Bizad Charity Run.  This was my third annual run with them. Organised by the NUS Business School Alumni Association (NUSBSA) and NUS Bizad Club, the annual run raised more...

Awesome Running Playlist, Anyone?

I am bored with my running playlist. I have reached the point where I push the skip button so much that my fingers are now getting more of a workout than my legs.  So, I've deleted every song and decided to start anew. I don't know if I would be...

Reviews on Jaybird Wireless Headsets: The X2 or Freedom

I had used the Jaybird wireless headset since the launch of their first model X from Apple online store for about 1 year + probably about 3 years back. Jaybird back had so much confidence on their sweat proof product till they dared to offered lifetime warranty on it. Just...

My Asics Running Shoes Stories

The right running shoes will definitely make a difference in your running game. Previously, like during my army days or in my 20s, I had tried running shoes brand such as Nike, Adidas, new brooks. Sadly these brand of shoes don't suit me. Running in them soon will cause bleeding...

Race Review: Run For Light 2017 [10km] (by Lingderella)

Thank you July for giving me a slot to the run so it's a free run for me! Yay! ? Though it's a charity run but I am cutting down in signing up running events, I have so many runs which I didn't sign up, maybe change my target...

Let’s Run to a Better Shape and Health!

I don't particularly like running or hate it. If anyone ask why I want to run? Number 1 reason is weight control and keeping fit. I love eating junk food like potato chips (even now I still eat them), fried food and supper. And that how I got fat...