Meet Newbie Runner Karen Koh
Karen KOH, in her late 30s, has a nice problem.
People would add her in Facebook because she looks like Rosamund Kuan, Hong Kong’s famous actress. Sometimes, she would tease them: “Do you add me because I look like Rosamund Kuan, or Rosamund Kuan looks like me?”
Without a doubt, her...
Race Review: The Performance Series 2016 (Race 5) [10km] (by KenJoe)

I have been looking forward to the finale race for the year 2016 with the Performance Series Race 5 for various reasons. One of which is about homecoming.
For this race, it has been a homecoming race in many ways. It's held at Kranji Farm, much closer to my home...
Race Review: The Performance Series 2016 (Race 5) [10km] (by ‘Rebekah Ong’)
Sunday, 18 December 2016 was my last run event for the year – The Performance Series (TPS) Race 5 held at Kranji Countryside. Like all other TPS races, Race 5 promised participants a run with a different experience. I was looking forward to running at a place where I...
Race Review: OSIM Sundown Marathon Penang 2016 (by Ranjetta)

A pleasant season this year, I thought to myself, as I finished a 7k tower run last week. It was supposed to be my final run for 2016, and I was prepared to hang my running shoes for a few weeks to recover from all that street-pounding.
I then received...
Race Review: The Performance Series 2016 (Race 5) [10km] (by ‘red3’)

And we have reached the end of the Performance Series. One last 10km race to wrap up the year. However, when you live nearly at the furthest point of south-east Singapore and you have to get diagonally to the furthest north-west point of Singapore by 6am it would be...
Race Review: The Performance Series 2016 (Race 5) [10km] (by Lingderella)
Transcend Yourself. According to Google, it's to go beyond limits or surpass prior achievements but what does that means to you? To me, it simply means be better than what you used to be. To me it's more than physically transcending yourself but transcending yourself with your heart...
Race Review: Orto Beer Run 2016 [1.8km] (by Lingderella)
Will you run for beer? Silly question. Of course I will! ? It was raining heavily and though I was tired from pole class, still I want to go for the beer and see see look look! Not to mention that I fell down from the stairs last...
Race Recap: Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore 2016 [FM] (by ‘The ReAwakenedRunner’) – Part...
This was my 5th consecutive SCMS since my 2012 comeback from a 21-year break since my maiden FM
Flashback Sep 2016. Craze Ultra 100 Miles. DNF after 142 km. 18 km left, 8 hours to go to finish line, but rest of journey not flat. It was not a difficult...