Personal | JustRunLah! - Part 81


Race Review: HomeTeamNS Real Run 2016 [10km] (by Lingderella)

Tough! This run is sibeh tough! Im quite new in going to running events and this is my second 10km run. My 1st 10km run is Compressport run in January which is also tough because of the mud and the 'flood' but not as tough as this. This is...

Race Review: Spartan Super 2016 (by kenjoe) – Challenge Yourself!

I'll just start with a brief review for those who just wanted a quick synopsis of the race. Brief : Race pack collection for the Spartan Race 2016 was fast and efficient though there was a long queue when I reached.  The pack is 'spartan'.  The race itself was held...

Race Review: HomeTeam NS REAL Run 2016 [10km] (by ‘Ah Girl’)

The HomeTeam NS REAL Run 2016 was flagged off at the Sentosa Gateway earlier this Sunday morning, 15 May 2016, with 3 race categories of 10km/5km multi-terrain run and a newly added Obstacles Challenge. I took part in my favorite category of 10km and was looking forward to exploring...

5 Despicable Ways to Earn Vouchers via HPB’s National Steps Challenge

On 30th of January, we waited in line to collect our free pacer in order to participate in the National Steps Challenge. How the challenge works is pretty simple, download the Healthy 365 App, link it to your free pace tracker, strap on the pace tracker to some part...

11 Art Pieces and 1 Movie to Look Out For While Running Along...

Singapore is well known as an efficient, clean and green city state with her citizen operating like robots, working in an sterile environment which is culturally dead. A short run along the Singapore River will prove any critics wrong. Although Singapore has not produced any Leonard Da Vinci or...

Race Review: TRI-Factor Swim 2016 [3km] (by ‘hedgiebunny’)

This is the 8th year that the TRI-Factor Series is happening and it also marks my 8th year of participation in the series.  The series is traditionally 4-leg event that starts with a mass swimming event – TRI-Factor Swim, followed by a mass cycling event – TRI-Factor Bike and...

Race Review: The Performance Series 1 – Oasis/Island [10km] (by Moses)

Disclaimer: In return for a sponsored race slot by JustRunLah!, here's my review of this race. The Performance Series was to be a new running event amongst the many that have been organised in recent years. Furthermore, it wasn't merely an isolated race but instead, a series of 5 running events...

Race Review: The Performance Series 1 – Oasis/Island [10km] (by ‘red3’)

I'm sure I told my husband early this year that we'll slow down how many races we sign up for so we can train more and be better prepared as opposed to winging it which we often seem to do. With that in mind we reached the end of...