Personal | JustRunLah! - Part 85


Greedy Amateur Runner left undecided

Some time back I had written a blog on back to back weekend races in 2014 and 2015 (Newton & CSC Run By The Bay for 2014 and Tri Factor Run & 2XU for 2015). And I had promised my legs that it will not happen again. I had...

Listen to Your Body!

I should be running the NTUC Income Run 350, by right I should be running now, it's 6.42am I should have about 8km to the finishing line thinking about the medal and the finisher tee. But I was sick, no one knows how sick I am except me. It's day...

Race Review: 2XU Compression Run 2016 [HM] (by Moses)

A little disclaimer: I didn't sign up for this race and I instead, ran with a bib of the opposite gender (as with last year, how coincidental). As usual, look out for the font in italics for aspects I deem relevant in a race (feel free to suggest as well). Pre-race...

2XU Half Marathon Weekend

Okay, not exactly a full weekend of 2XU races but last Sunday, I witnessed one of the highest turnouts among other races in Singapore . It is reported having about 12,000 runners participating in 3 different categories of the run this year – the 5, 10 and 21.1km races. Shot taken...

Race Review: 2XU Compression Run 2016 [5 Km] (by Rebekah Ong)

The annual 2XU Compression Runs is one of my favourite run events and I always look forward to joining this event! This year I signed up for the 5km category and since I was a Past Participant, I was entitled to loyalty rates. I really appreciate when the organisers...

Race Review: 2XU Compression Run 2016 [HM] (by Lingderella)

The most difficult moment today is finding the courage to take a bath after the half marathon. When the water falls on me, the spiciness just makes me wants to go !#%$@! I earned four abrasions in this run. I'll skip the details on my abrasions but seriously it's...

Race Review: Men’s Health Urbanathlon 2016 (by ‘red3’)

Whilst the 2015 Urbanathlon didn't end well for me, what with a fractured talus bone and torn ligament 200m from the finish line, it didn't deter me from returning in 2016. Right up till the last obstacle, I was having a ball with John keeping me company throughout it all....

Gei Gei Running Club Overseas Coney Island Run

Photo credits for featured photo: Mr Kok Wan See (Running Shots) Went to a running event organised by Gei Gei Running Club, this is my second run with them and I really enjoyed myself for both runs. And hopefully they will have more runs coming up and hopefully all their...