Race Review: Ubin Wayfinder 2015 (by Shereen)

What? An orienteering race.
When? 1 November 2015.
Where? Pulau Ubin.
How? With a map on hand and a compass, you and your team navigate through forestry in search on checkpoints.
Osportz wanted this race to introduce orienteering as a sport and as a way for people to bond. With just a compass...
How much are your races costing you?

Now, let's take a vote. How much have you spent on races this year?
Race fees alone are expensive, approximating at $50. Those really good ones like the Standard Chartered Marathon can go up to $90 or $100 (and that's already the special rate for residents). Above that, we need to...
Race Review: Great Eastern Women’s Run 2015 – 10th Year Anniversary (by ‘red3’...

From humble beginnings of a mere 3,000 participants, the 2015 Great Eastern Women's Run (GEWR) celebrates its 10th year anniversary with a participation of 17,000 women. One of the largest races in Singapore it draws women young and old, local and foreign across three major categories: half marathon, 10km...
Race Review: Ubin WayFinder 2015 (by TheMinionGoesRunning)
For the third year running, Singapore’s largest orienteering race Ubin WayFinder was held on 1 November 2015 at Pulau Ubin. This year, my 2 friends and I decided to participate in the non-competitive Ubin Explorer team category as it was our first time trying orienteering as a sport. I...
Race Review: Ubin Wayfinder 2015 (by RunningShu)
This morning I ran my first ever race and first ever trail in my life! (There's always a first for everything, eh?)
I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to perform because I had never ran a race or a distance longer than 5km before, but these...
Race Review: Great Eastern Women’s Run 2015 [21.1km] (by ‘runforfun’)

Back to this race for the second year running!
Great race as usual. Too bad I wasn't on form (trying not to blame the haze, but oh wells, that is still part of the reason) and thus the unofficial timing of 2 hours 20 minutes. Well, it is still an...
Race Review: Great Eastern Women’s Run 2015 [10 km] (by ‘Ah Girl’)

Today marks the 10th year of the largest all-women race in Asia, the Great Eastern Women's Run (GEWR) where 17,000 over female runners from Singapore and beyond challenge their endurance, speed and celebrate the journey to greatness. This is the first time taking part in the GEWR and I'm...
Race Review: Commando Challenge 2015 (by ‘SmallSteph’)
Two years ago, I was a disappointed finisher of the inaugural Commando Challenge. We were delayed for hours at the start point along the green corridor, many obstacles broke down beyond repair, and for a registration fee of $90+ we received a transparent plastic bag of a t-shirt and...