Philippines | JustRunLah! - Part 14


Triathlon Racing in Asia: What You Need to Know

The triathlon event is a 3 sport event starting with a swim, followed by the bike and you finish it off with a run. Just like running events, there are many distances to a triathlon. The most common distances are the Sprint (750m swim, 20km bike, 5km run), the...

5 Sold Out Triathlons In The World

1. IRONMAN Western Australia Busselton, Western Australia Next race: 4th December 2016 Incorporating the iconic Busselton Jetty, IRONMAN Western Australia is renowned worldwide for being the place to go for a personal best, with the bike and run courses amongst the flattest on the global IRONMAN circuit. The course comprises of a 3.8...

Race Review: 7th Manila Condura Skyway Marathon, 2015 (by ‘ALCE’)

Why run overseas? It isn't unusual to hear someone in Singapore asking: "Which race are you going this weekend?" I had the privilege of answering that exact same question very differently when a colleague of mine asked. "Condura Skyway Marathon!" I answered. "Huh?" he retorted. The popularity of joining an...

Running around Pandan Island in Philippines. Literally.

Pandan Island, Puerto Princessa, Philippines. I recently visited Philippines for vacations, and more specifically Palawan island. Now, I always like to go for a run in a new place, even if it is just a short one around the hotel, however, this time a new opportunity was presented to me:...