Sundown Marathon 2015 Expo JRL Booth Contest Winners
Just Run Lah! - The three words that have become every Singapore runner's motto!
View us as a running portal for all your running needs.
View us as a running community.
Or view us as your motivational slogan for your daily/weekly runs.
No matter what the case is, we are here to help you stay focused,...
Running Shoe Survey: Complete and receive $20 sports vouchers.
Running shoes are a must for all runners. Whether you are a beginner or seasoned runner, we look into new technologies, brands and features to propel us forward more effectively and efficiently. Lesser effort, faster runs, and more enjoyable running journey are what all runners constantly crave for. In...
Contest: 2 x Sprint Relay and 2 x Scoot-athlon slots for Singapore International...
Sprint Relay
Make a team with your buddies and experience Singapore International Triathlon 2015 to the max!
This relay category (for 3 teammates) includes 750m swim + 18km bike + 5km run.
More info:
NEW and FUN: Scoot-athlon distance for the young ones below 8: Now multi-sport is really for all ages, with...
The Great Warehouse Sale you have been waiting for! Up to 70% OFF.
Save up to 70% in sports gear from top brands!
In conjunction with The Great Singapore Sales, Key Power Sports offers the most attractive deals to end this month!
Save up to 70% off from your favorite sports gears from the best sports brands in the market.
From shoes, compression gears, apparels...
5 free slots for Orange Ribbon Run 2015
Orange Ribbon Celebrations is a ground up movement to promote racial and religious harmony. Since the 1990s, the Orange Ribbon has been adopted by countries and groups of individuals as the symbol of harmony, equality and freedom. In Singapore, the Orange Ribbon is adopted as a symbol of respect,...
10 Free Slots for SHAPE Run 2015
The Run You've Been Waiting For
As the first all-women race in Singapore, Shape Run, organised by SPH Magazines Pte Ltd (SPH Magazines), is a highly anticipated event with a loyal following. Over 12,000 runners will be expected at this year’s event. For its tenth edition, Shape Run 2015 promises...
Win a double slot for Sundown Marathon 2015
Asia’s largest night marathon is back!
The OSIM Sundown Marathon is expecting registration numbers to reach 30,000 for the third straight year in 2015, making it Asia’s largest night marathon once again.
The Sundown Marathon returns this year on 4 July 2015 at the F1 Pit Building. With the four running categories...
Discount code for Sundown Marathon 2015
Discounted registration
JustRunLah! is proud to be the Official Partner of Singapore’s largest night race and bring another exclusive deal to you!
All our readers can enjoy registrations at the discounted, early bird rate from now till 17 May using promo code: SDM2015EBJustRunLah during registration.
It's time to conquer the night!